Grow Your Garden of Reality Through Spiritual Teachings
From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
“Atiullah atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum.”
﴾أَطِيعُواللَّه وَأَطِيعُوٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ… ﴿٥٩…
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)
Always a reminder for myself ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ) that we’re still in existence.
Everything Exists Within One Dot
Alhamdulillah, that they put out from the Hubble Spacecraft that they think the universe, all of the universe may be just one atom. So, alhamdulillah. That the immensity of just one atom and the realities of this binary code and that everything exists within the nuqt and one dot, one atom. The reason that it can’t be perceived and understood is that people think very highly of themselves.
When we give ourself importance and we focus on ourself and how we relate to the reality, it taints our perception because you say, ‘Well, how can I fit in one atom and how can all of this fit in one atom?’ Perception is based on many elements. That you and I don’t understand our size and it’s relevant to our surrounding. Your size in the room that you sit right now is one thing. Your size according to the Earth diminished immensely because the vastness of the Earth, your size became a dot.
Everything Circumambulates the Divinely Presence
So, it means that when we lose our perception of ourself and what we perceive we are and who we are and our size and our importance, this is the reality of Hajj (pilgrimage). That we’re supposed to leave that and come to circumambulate, to remember the Divinely Presence. That we’re but electrons in an atom and the Ka’bah is the nucleus which represents the source of power and everything has to circumambulate the power. All our atoms are circumambulating the nucleus and the power.
Otherwise, the hologram of our existence would cease to exist. That our atomic reality exists by that – your electrons are circumambulating the nucleus. The Earth is circumambulating the sun because the sun acts like a nucleus. It’s a source of power that it puts out the power and has a magnetic pull and the Earth wants to collide but the sun pushes it away. So, as a result, it has a centrifugal spin.
Negate Yourself: You’re Nothing on This Vast Earth
So, everything is based on that reality but we don’t perceive it. If we put a self-importance and what we call the I-ness in which everything is about ‘me’, ‘I’ and ‘I want to know about I’. This way of reality is to negate the ‘I’ and that, ‘I’m nothing!’ If I cease to exist and put the importance of my existence down, I can see the ‘we’ or I can see the kingdom of this creation and that’s what’s important. That when they lose the self and say, ‘I’m nothing,’ then look at the Earth – it’s huge. Of course, look at the size of this Earth. I’m nothing.
None of the humans who think they’re important or anything either with all they think they have and all they think they accomplished and all the power and scheming and plots and plans that humans make in life. If you reduce this Earth to a dot, then the one whom is perceiving, when they lose themself, they wonder why are they doing all of that. On that dot, why do they put that emphasis? Because when you look out, that dot becomes so insignificant and all they’re trying to accomplish on that dot is worthless.
Even Earth is Tiny in This Vast Universe
If they struggle for that reality of the dot, then only the one whom loses their I-ness and begins to look through the greater reality can see that. So, it’s like when you buy an ant farm and you see all the ants are just moving around, going nowhere. You can shake the sand and they’ll have to start again.
All that we’re moving on this Earth and all the things that people think they own and control and have, that’s why these na’at (prophetic praising) and these shaykhs and this reality comes to teach that: this dot you live on called the Earth – all of those whom think they’re important and all that they think they acquired is nothing. If you collectively acquired all of the dots, it’s still nothing because then they go a little bit further out and the dot of this Earth is not even visible in the Milky Way. Then how many billions of galaxies in this universe.
Efface Yourself Through Meditation and Contemplation
So, they send out ships to explore but they don’t perceive where they are relevant to their exploration. But there used to be a show, when we were children, about how they would shrink themself into like a little submarine. They went inside the body. Everything was huge inside the body. Every cell was huge.
When you lose your perception of self and you negate the self, what we call the ‘effacing’ and the ‘binary system’. That the world tries to say, ‘You’re something’ and with your meditation and your contemplation, you realize, ‘I’m actually nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing’. Only then can God give you the vision of something. The vision of that something is that you negated yourself so you see the whole of this creation and its vastness and you don’t realize where you are relative to the whole of that atom.
Allah (AJ) Sends His Power on Laylatul Qadr When You’re OFF
But awliyaullah (saints), when they leave the acquisition of dunya (material world), Allah (AJ) give them akhirah (hereafter). When you efface yourself into a nothing and Allah (AJ) begin to send His power because we said it’s an energy. If you turn ‘off’, Allah (AJ) sends the ‘on’. Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power), not Yawmul Qadr (Day of Power); layl (night) because you have to be in a position of ‘off.’ Then Allah (AJ) responds with qadr and power comes.
When they learn to turn off and the power came, they realize the vastness of this creation. They’re but non-existent in its reality and they saw all of this creation within one dot called “Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ“. When you enter into that dot, it vastly increases in size. So, when you enter into the dot, the distance between one point to another point can be infinite in its length and space because Allah (AJ) expands that creation. When they found that in their search of an atom, the distance between the nucleus and the electron had the same relative understanding. The vastness between the distance because everything is relevant to its size.
You Cannot Know Your Lord When You Don’t Know Yourself
So, when they found something small and then they begin to examine the small, they guess because they can’t perceive the measurement. They say, ‘The distance from the nucleus to the electron is so vast and huge’ because it’s like a universe. It is the universe. We haven’t really gone anywhere. It’s just looping for them. They’re just beginning to know themself by studying the atom. Had they taken the philosophy of knowing yourself, you would know your lord. You would know what governs you. But they chose, ‘We want to know the outside before we even know our inside’.
So, they make devices that travel through the stars wasting their time. But what the teaching of Prophet ﷺ was, ‘Why don’t you study yourself?’ “‘Arafa nafsahu ‘arafa Rabbahu”. That’s why awliya (saints) traversed the universe much faster because they took the faster door. You want to build something to explore the outside and all the creation, but you don’t know relative to who you are and where you are compared to the whole of it.
قَال رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ:” مَنْ عَرَفَ نَفْسَهْ فَقَدْ عَرَفَ رَبَّهُ”
Qala Rasulullahi ﷺ: “Man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu”
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Who knows himself, knows his Lord.”
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem is the Beginning of Creation
So, as much as you explore, you’re still delusional. But when you begin to negate yourself and Allah (AJ) begins to expand the horizon and the vision and what they call ma’rifah (gnosticism) in which they saw all of these creations like a dot. All of it can fit within the hand of their soul. Its vastness is an illusion. That as soon as they enter into the creation, the creation is expanding. If they leave the creation, it’s but a dot.
Allah (AJ) placed that dot at the ba of “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” became the story of creation. This creation’s story starts with that nuqt, goes to the ba, becomes like the unfolding because that’s the reverse of what was taught. The ba begins to open the baab (door). Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem opens like a waterfall down to the seven verses of Surah Fatiha and from Surah Fatiha, it’s like a waterfall gushing into 30 juz (parts). Everything within entire universes is within it and its story and its reality. All of this can be understood in the binary system.
Qadiri People are Eternal Servants of Power
As much as the dunya tries to make us ‘on’, when we meditate and contemplate and acknowledged, ‘Ya Rabbi, I’m nothing. I’m nothing and the oceans of Your vastness beyond imagination and let me to be nothing, to be nothing, to be nothing’ and learn the system of how to shut ourselves down so that we reach the reality of layl in which it’s not manifesting.
As a result of not manifesting, Laylatul Qadr, Allah (AJ) sends His power oceans in which they become eternally Qadiri (people from the Ocean of Power) – they are eternal servants of power. Allah (AJ) begin to describe their lives are like lifetimes – what they achieve and every day is a lifetime of realities being dressed upon their soul. “Salamun, hiya hatta matla’il Fajr.”
﴾سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ ﴿٥
97:5 – “Salamun, hiya hatta matla’il Fajr.” (Surat Al-Qadr)
“Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” (The Power, 97:5)
The Night of Power is Better Than a Thousand Months (Holy Qur’an, 97:3)
When people say, ‘Why you say ‘alayhis salaam for the Holy Companions and ‘alayhis salaam for the Ahlul Bayt (Holy Family of Prophet ﷺ)?’ Because Allah (AJ) saying that, ‘This is a title that can be achieved.’ If the shaykh and mashayikh (spiritual guides) achieved Laylatul Qadr, they annihilated. Allah (AJ) dressed them. Allah (AJ) described, “Khairum min alfe shahr.”
﴾لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ ﴿٣
97:3 – “Laylatul Qadre khairum min alfe shahr.” (Surat Al-Qadr)
“The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” (The Power, 97:3)
“Alfe,” we described in other talks that is like a lifetime of realities coming every Fajr (Dawn prayer), every Fajr, every Fajr Allah (AJ) dressing them with these qudras (powers), these energies like a lifetime. Because the system of ‘off’, Allah (AJ) sends their soul through the vastness of that creation. So, then who to love more than Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ whom is the reality of this reality? They want a particular spot. Imagine now how silly their pursuit is.
We Are Obsessed With Having Power and Rank On the Little Dot Called Earth
They said, ‘No, we don’t want the great prize and the king of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ, the vastness of everything. We want what’s on this little dot called Earth and we want this little dot upon the dot of this Earth and this will be our dominion in which we have power and rank. We call ourselves illuminated and come. We give you a few funny handshakes and you too can share in this dot of a dot of a dot power’. All of it becomes an epsilon in Allah’s (AJ) creation, not even existent.
No power. No mind. Nothing of any eternity and nothing of any reality. Allah (AJ) says, ‘You sold your soul for a small price’ because you didn’t understand the price of the entire kingdom.
(٩٠) …بِئْسَمَا اشْتَرَوْا بِهِ أَنفُسَهُمْ
2:90 – “…Bi’samash taraw biheee anfusahum…” (Surat Al-Baqarah)
“Miserable is the price for which they have sold their souls…” (The Cow, 2:90)
If the kingdom was worth hundreds of trillions of dollars, you sold yourself for five cents. So, it doesn’t seem like you made a good deal. This is the vastness of this creation. This is the immensity of the gift because people don’t know what they’re struggling for.
Did You Sell Your Soul for a Small Price?
Say, ‘Oh, we can pursue all these things and all of these things and all that shaitan is promising to us’. Say, ‘Because we don’t know the vastness of what Allah (AJ) has in store for us’. Awliyaullah (saints) come with their na’at and their teachings that, that trade all of that in to reach the nuqt, reach the understanding that everything exists within that nuqt. Its first step is the love and muhabbat of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and all that Prophet ﷺ asks of us is have adab (manners) and good character; not to have pride in yourself and your title in what you perceive to think you know because every knower, there’s another knower on top of that knower.
﴾نَرْفَعُ دَرَجَاتٍ مَّن نَّشَاءُ ۗ وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ ﴿٧٦
12:76 – “…Narfa’u darajatin man nashao, Wa fawqa kulli dhee ‘ilmin ‘aleem.” (Surat Yusuf)
“… We raise in degrees whom We will, and Above every knower there is a greater knower.” (Joseph, 12:76)
Futuwwa and Noble Character is the Doorway to Divine Realities
So, that Prophet ﷺ gave to us the doorway. The key for that door of this realities and the city of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ was futuwwa (chivalry) and good character. Futuwwa is Islamic chivalry, the way of knighthood in which the knights of Allah (AJ) – the men of noble character. The tariqs and the paths of reality are supposed to sustain that reality because it’s the only way to the heart of Prophet ﷺ is the noble character, the good character. “Ittaqollah wa allimukumullah”.
﴾وَاتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ ۖ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللَّـهُ ۗ وَاللَّـهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ ﴿٢٨٢…
2:282 – “…Wat taqollaha, wa yu’allimukumullahu, wallahu bi kulli shayin ‘Aleem.” (Surat Al-Baqarah)
“…And Be conscious of/Fear Allah, And Allah teaches you. And Allah is the All-Knower of everything.” (The Cow, 2:282)
It’s not the books. It’s not the memorizing. It’s not all of the different things people are trying to do. It’s just a good character. When they have good character and they learn to turn off, they learn to turn off then Allah (AJ) dresses them from secret of layl.
Our Struggle is to Turn OFF in a World That Wants Us ON
It means these are people whom they can shut down and when they shut down, Allah (AJ) dresses them with qadr. This is Allah’s (AJ) gift – Laylatul Qadr. The two words are linked and this is the power of 9. Laylatul Qadr is 9 letters. These 9 letters dress these 9 sultans (king). They carry a dial into the oceans and the realities of mankind. Anyone whom enters into their halaqah (circle), Allah (AJ) dresses them from these realities so that they can be inheritors of this qadr and this power.
So, it means this is a system in which Allah (AJ) gives to them that you want to learn from the 9, then make your life about the reality of 9 which we said is the sultan (king) is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That you multiply yourself is your fana (annihilation) by that 9 and that you learn the process of layl. There’s a time in which you’re ‘on’ and there’s a time in which you’re ‘off’. How to turn ‘off’ when a world that completely wants to keep you ‘on’ at all times? That becomes the struggle of the path.
Download the Teachings By Writing Notes and Apply Them Through Meditation
We pray that Allah (AJ) open for the immensity of the realities of the holy month of Shawwal which mashAllah a lot of knowledges came in this month, if people sit and contemplate. Some people come Thursday, Friday, Saturday, they take popcorn and become like entertainment. But in reality is that you take your notes and you meditate the whole week so that to absorb yourself in the knowledges of that reality, to be dressed by it.
Like we said, what comes from the teaching is not the complete course. These are just some of the footnotes that are coming out. But for those who meditate and continue then the balance of the download can begin to take place within their heart and soul. Otherwise, everybody would just cheat by watching the video. The videos are to attract people but the key is in their tafakkur and contemplation. When they look over their notes, they meditate and say that, ‘Open my heart and expand from me the understanding of this binary system, of La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ,’ everything that was discussed.
لَا إِلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ مُحَمَّدٌا رَسُولْ الله ﷺ
“La ilaha illallahu Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ”
“There is no deity but Allah, Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Nurture the Seed of Faith Through Your Service and Actions
If we keep that system then with all of our practices, our charity, our giving, our service – all of those they become the water of our growing like a plant, that being planted within the realities of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. We water our seed with the good deeds and good actions. They become the water of rahmah (mercy) that dresses and makes the fruits of our reality to begin to appear so that others may benefit from that reality.
We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us from its realities and that open for us the holy month of zalzalah, the holy month of Dhul Qi’dah which is the reality of 11. The reality of Surat Al Zalzalah in which the Earth will shake and a great shaking to occur for the servants of Allah (AJ) so that what is hidden within them, Allah (AJ) can bring it out.
The Month of Dhul Qi’dah Shakes Us to Unveil Hidden Realities
It means the only way to achieve the value of a diamond is you’ve got to crush. So, they begin to chip away, chip away, chip away so that the beauty of its reality can show. Allah (AJ) describes in Surat Al Zalzalah that, ‘What is hidden within her will begin to show of its realities’.
﴾إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا ﴿١﴾ وَأَخْرَجَتِ الْأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا ﴿٢
99:1-2 – “Izaa zul zilatil ardu zil zaalaha (1) Wa akh rajatil ardu athqaalaha (2)” (Surat Az-Zalzalah)
“When the earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake. (1) And the earth discharges its burdens (from within) (2)” (The Earthquake, 99:1-2)
So, just like the womb that conceals the reality from Allah (AJ) and the continuous quaking within the womb, the Earth is in a continuous quaking to reveal what it has hidden within it of whatever characteristics of the people that it no longer wants to carry and as well as the servants whom whatever is within them, Allah (AJ) wants to bring that reality out. We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us from the immensity of this month and the immensity of the month that’s opening – Dhul Qi’dah – of the four holy months of Allah (AJ), inshaAllah.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: 20th May, 2023
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