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The Legacy of Sultan al Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani
His Deputies Mawlana Shaykh Hisham al-Qabbani
Shaykh Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi
Sufi Meditation Booklets with Illustrations
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Mobile Version Sufi meditation Muraqabah - Body Mind Soul Sufi Meditation and The Naqshbandi 11 principles. Easy to follow 3 step meditation practices.
Mind Body Mobile - Angelic Names and Their Dhikr in the Divine Kingdom
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Dalail ul Khairat transliteration
- Dalailul Khairat: Transliteration and English PDF file. Updated Edits
The secret of Your soul is in the recitation of Complete Dalailul Khairat .
Naqshbandi Book of Devotions
Wazifa English Transliteration and Arabic :
- Book of Devotions: Book of Devotions a must for all seekers PDF File
- Friday Jummah Transliteration:
Naqshbandia Secrets:
- The Secret Book of HUuuu Pdf
- 12 Veils of the Power of “9” Return to the Divine Kingdom and Secrets of Each Month. Each month has a secret and a Dhikr learn them and recite that Dhikr to be dressed in the dress of the Shaykhs reality.
- Secrets of Naqshbandi Taweez and the Divine Court
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- 10 Steps to Sainthood Leaving Evilness PDF file
- Secrets of “Rabb” or Lordship Unlocking secrets of “RUBUBIYYA“Rabbil Alameen. Rabb is Lord not Creator,
- Understanding Divine Government. Secrets of AL-Rahman
Naqshbandi Tafsir of Holy Quran
Tafsir of Surah Ikhlas Secrets of Qul Hu Allahu Ahad secrets of The soul Ahadiyya and Samadiyya
- Part One Surah Ikhlas
- Part Two Surah Ikhlas
- Tafsir Surah Naas Khafa Secrets of Insan Kamel Secrets of 3 “Presences” Rabb, Malik, Ilahi, or Spiritual Presences, Where Does Waswaas Enters The Body, Opening the 5 Points of The Heart and 6 Points of the Divine Courtyard 56 is Huu 5 different heavenly angelic powers
- Tafsir Surah Falak Ahkfa Secrets of Annilation and Protection Against Black Magic
- Tafsir Surah Shams Part 1 Power of the Sun Glory of Light of Sayedena Ahmad (s) The Secrets of the Sun Moon and Earth.
- Tafsir Surah Kawthar : Eternal Muhammad RasulAllah Has always been the source of all Knowledge for creation
- Tafsir Surah Naba Naqshbandi Secrets Verses 10-13 Secrets of 6 powers of heart , 7 layers that Allah will open to the servant
Keys to the Unseen Knowledge of Letters and Numbers
Ilm Huroof Secrets Muqataat and Secrets of Numbers
- Abjad Table PDF File
- “Alif” , 1
- “BA”, 2 ,Binary codes BAhr Qudra Key to Paradise is the BismiAllah,
- “Dal”,”4″ Circle of Life DNA are 4 Nitrogen’s or Lights Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Ali.
- “Haa” Hidayat, HU secrets of 7007 Allah essence dresses the Khalifa Kabir Hadi
- “WAW”,”6″ Love Fire and Love birth of everything
- “Za” , 11, 7, Zam Zam Zhat or the essence
- “Ha” “8” Ha Meem HAMD Ha Meem Dal -Hayat-All Life, Meem- Muheet All encompassing , Dal- Daiem Eternal
- “Toin”, “9” The King is “9” return to the Divine presence and complete Submission
- “YA” “10”, Ya-Seen, Knowledge Ya becomes Ya plus Alif. only way to Allah is thru Muhammad. Whose heart is YaSeen
- “Kaf” “11” Kawthar, Kafi sufficient plus Nun or Noor is Kun Divine Order.
- “Lam” “12” Mulk or Kingdom represents completion
- “MeeM” “13” “40″ The Key to all Understanding of Muhammadan Reality Ahad Ahmd – Meem is Ocean of Creation
- “Nun” “14” Noor from the womb RHm comes Noor after 9 months RHMN – Alrhmn Rahman.
- “Seen” “15” YaSeen Secret of the Soul, Full moon of perfection
- “Qaf” Power of 19 , and Holy Quran, QDR- Qadir, QLM- Qalam QDM- Qadam, Allah directing His Power of Quran to Rasul.
- “JEEM” “3”
- Names of Allah Dressing Names of Sayedena Muhammad (s)
Levels of The Heart Unlocking the Lataifs / Chakras and
Understanding of Qudra or Energy
- PDF File Protection Against Evilness What to do and recite to come against black magic and bad energy.
- Mawlana Summary of Adhkhar and Repetitions
- Opening the 7 Points Gateway to the 9 points PDF The 7 holy opening of the Face and control over the opening of the 9 Points
- Start To Learn Healing and The “9” Points “9” Article PDF Colors and location of the points.
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- Unveiling the Secrets of the Name Muhammad understanding Meem Ha Meem Dal
Secrets of The Heart Lataif
Chakras Downloads:
Lataif of the Secret “Sir” PDF
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- The Secrets of Safa & Marwa The Seven Springs of the Heart and the opening of the Zam Zam/Kawthar
- Musa and the Mountain secrets of the reality of Ahmad and Ism Allah Azam. The greatest of names.
- Kabah is the Heart of The Believer The House of God. one must make internal pilgrimage Marifat to the Lord Most High.
- Lataif of the Sir Sir Secret of the Secret
Bahasa Language Files Indonesian Malay:
- Rahasia Fisika Quantum
- BA Kunci Ke Surga Ilm Huroof BA
- Sir Ahkfa Rahasia dari Yang Paling Tersembunyi
- Tafsir Surah Naba Magam Qalb
- Sufi Yoga PDF
- Membangun Energimu PDF
- Shaykh Nazim Book ServantHood in Bahasa
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- Rahasia Wuhdu PDF
- Meditasi Sufi : Meditation illustrations PDF
- Tujuh Mata Air : 7 springs PDF
- Apa itu Murshid Naqshbandia: PDF
- Kekuatan Tangan PDF
- Menuju Cahay Itu PDF
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Other Books:
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