Levels Of The Heart – Lataif al Qalb
LATAIF AL QALB لطائف القلب
Subtle Energy Points of The Heart
According to Naqshbandiya Islamic Way
لطائف القلب في طريقة النقشبندية العالية
From the Realities of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani as Taught by Mawlana Shaykh as Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi
1. Qalb (Heart), 2. Sir (Secret), 3. Sirr e Sir (Secret of Secret), 4. Khafa (Hidden) 5. Akhfa (Most Hidden)
“These Five Stations of the Heart are the center of the Nine Points, which represent the locus of Revelation and Inspiration of the Divine Presence in the heart of the human being. These Nine Points are located on the chest of each person and they represent nine different hidden states in every human being. Every state is connected to a saint, who has the authority to control that point. “If the seeker in the Naqshbandi Way is able to unveil and to make spiritual contact with the authorized master controlling these points, he may be given knowledge of and power to use these nine points, Latifah/Chakra.
The Colours of Lights that represent the 5 Levels of Heart are as follows:
- The light of the Qalb (Heart) is a yellow hue;
- The light of the Sir (Secret) is red;
- The light of the Sirr e Sir (Secret of the Secret) is white;
- The light of the Khafa (Hidden) Station is green; and
- The light of the Akhfa (Most Hidden) Station is black.
1. First Level: The Station of Heart – Latifatul Qalb لطيفة القلب
Qalb قلب (heart) is the First station of the heart, and it represents knowledge. Prophet Adam (as) is responsible for this station as he was taught all the names “Wa ‘allama Adamal Asma a kullaha,..” “And He taught Adam the names of all things …“. (Holy Quran 2:31)
Learn about the Colour, sense, season, dhikr, salat, and the pillar of Islam associated with the level of Heart.
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2. Second Level: The Station of Secret – Latifatul Sir لطيفة السر
Sir سر is the Second station of the Heart, represents Spiritual Vision. Martyrs and Witnesses. Prophet Nuh (Noah (as) is responsible for this level teaching, Building Faith, Safety from Ignorance.
Also learn about the color, season, dhikr, salat, and the pillar of Islam associated with the level of Sir (Secret).
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3. Third Level: The Station of Secret of the Secret – Latifatul Sirr e Sir لطيفة السرالسر
Sirr e Sir سرالسر (Secret of the Secret) is the Third Station of the Heart, and it represents the Spiritual Perfection, Ya’qeen (Certainty). Prophet Moses (as) and Prophet Abraham (as) are responsible for this level and teaching about the secret of Divine Fire. Truthful Servants Prepare for Pilgrimage to Your Lord.
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4. Fourth Level: Station of Hidden – Latifatul Khafa لطيفة الخفي/ الخفا :
Khafa خفا (Hidden) is the Fourth Station of the heart, and it represents the Soul’s Perfection. It is under the authority of Sayyidina ‘Isa (Jesus (as) because of his relationship with Hidden Knowledge, and he represents spiritual understanding. Revive the Dead, Perfection of the Soul, Crack through Physicality, Qiyamah (Resurrection Day).
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5. Fifth of Level: The Station of Most Hidden – Latifatul Akhfa لطيفة الأخفاء
Akhfa أخفاء (Most Hidden) is the Fifth Station of the heart and it is black because it represents Fana (Annihilation). It is under the Authority of Sayyidina Muhammad as he was the one who was raised up to the Divine Presence, in the Night of Ascension. ‘Izzat Allah in the word Akhfa.
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6 Powers of The Heart – Haqayiqul Qalb حقايق القلب
Introduction to Six Powers of the Heart – Haqayiq ul Qalb
Introduction to realities and Powers of the heart and the role of the Shaykh (Spiritual guide) to reach those realities and guide students to these 6 realities of the heart from Attraction, to focusing, to Scrolling through time and space.
Six Powers/Realities of the heart are:
- The Reality of Attraction (Haqiqatul Jadhbah حقيقت الجذبة)
- The Reality of Down pouring (Haqiqatul Fayd حقيقت الفيض)
- The Reality of Focusing (Haqiqatut Tawajjuh حقيقت التوجه)
- The Reality of Intercession (Haqiqatut Tawassul حقيقت التوسل)
- The Reality of Guidance (Haqiqatul Irshad حقيقت الارشاد)
- The Reality of Scrolling (Haqiqatut Tayy حقيقت الطي)
Opening the 5 Points of The Heart and 6 Points of the Divine Courtyard 56 is Hu هو 5, different heavenly angelic powers
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