COVID-19 Quarantine is Quran Time to Acquire Qudra/Energy for Protection
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From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahhir Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu wa Salaam ala Ashrafil Muslimeen Sayyedina wa Mawlana Muhammad ul Mustafa ﷺ bi Madadakum an Nazarakum Syeddi Ya Rasul Kareem Ya Habibul Azeem.
A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah (AJ) that are still in existence and we took a path in which to be nothing.
﴾…أَطِيعُواللَّه وَأَطِيعُوٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ… ﴿٥٩…
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)
Ascension of the Believer is to the Heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
Alhamdulillah, that Allah (AJ) give us a life to see the Holy Jum’ah of Rajab and the Jum’ah of Isra wal Mi’raj (Night Journey and Ascension). InshaAllah, that Allah (AJ) dress us from that reality, bless us from that reality, and the Mi’raj (Ascension) of the believer is in the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. If we don’t know the haqqaiq (realities), we are far away from so many dressings and blessings. That if people think that they are going to ask for a Mi’raj to the presence of Allah (AJ), you can understand how far away that is from any type of truth. And that’s why nothing opens with that understanding. When Allah (AJ) loves someone, He guides them and when He guides them, He guides them to the realities, so that they can properly ask for what is necessary.
Allah (AJ) is a Hidden Treasure Wanting to be Known Through His Rasul
This way is based on the relationship and the connection with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That we took a life in which nothing is important, La ilaha illAllah, there is nothing but Allah (AJ). And that door and that reality is through the understanding of His beloved reflection. Allah (AJ) reflected all His beauty, all His might, all His greatness of characters upon a creation and by that creation He would be known. I was a hidden treasure; I was and still is a hidden treasure but I want to be known so I created Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ.
كُنْت كَنْزاً مخفيا فَأَحْبَبْت أَنْ أُعْرَفَ؛ فَخَلَقْت خَلْقاً فَعَرَّفْتهمْ بِي فَعَرَفُونِي
“Kuntu kanzan makhfiyya, fa ahbabtu an a’rafa, fa khalaqtu khalqan, fa ‘arraftahum bi fa ‘arafonee.”
Allah (AJ) said, “I was a hidden Treasure then I desired to be known, so I created a creation to which I made Myself known; then they knew Me.” (Hadith Qudsi)
Our Journey is Within the Huroof of Rasul ﷺ
Within the Rasul the Ra-Seen-Waw, there’s a Lam, Allah. So, within the Rasul is our journey. And on that reality within the Rasul is Allah (AJ); and that’s the one that Allah (AJ), that’s the location that Allah (AJ) is describing for us, ‘I’m not on heaven and I’m not on Earth.’ It means, this ma’rifah (Gnosticism), this way you want, this reality you want, I am not in heaven, and I’m not on Earth.
مَا وَسِعَنِيْ لَا سَمَائِيْ ولا اَرْضِيْ وَلَكِنْ وَسِعَنِيْ قَلْبِ عَبْدِيْ اَلْمُؤْمِنْ
“Maa wasi`anee laa Samayee, wa la ardee, laakin wasi’anee qalbi ‘Abdee al Mu’min.”
”Neither My Heavens nor My Earth can contain Me, but the heart of my Believing Servant.” (Hadith Qudsi conveyed by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))
You see this huroof (Arabic letters)? This Ra he’s the Rabbani, he’s the highest of the lordly, lofty souls. His Seen is the secret of all creation, nurul anwar wa sirratal asrar (light of every secret and secret of every light). The Waw is that I created this reality out of Wadood (the Most Loving) and love. And upon his holy tongue, this Lisan (tongue), this Lam is my name, Allah (AJ). That I created his reality ﷺ to make Allah (AJ) to be known.
Allah (AJ) Will be Known Through Lisanul Haq (Tongue of Truth)
I was a hidden treasure, I wanted to be known. I will be known by this Lisanul Haq (Tongue of Truth). Not by the false tongue and by lying tongues but by my most truthful Janab al Haq, he’s Hayyul Qayyum; by this holy tongue, Lisanul Haq, I will be known. All else is a falsehood unless it comes unto the tongue of Haq.
كُنْت كَنْزاً مخفيا فَأَحْبَبْت أَنْ أُعْرَفَ؛ فَخَلَقْت خَلْقاً فَعَرَّفْتهمْ بِي فَعَرَفُونِي
“Kuntu kanzan makhfiyya, fa ahbabtu an a’rafa, fa khalaqtu khalqan, fa ‘arraftahum bi fa ‘arafonee.”
Allah (AJ) said, “I was a hidden Treasure then I desired to be known, so I created a creation to which I made Myself known; then they knew Me.” (Hadith Qudsi)
That oh, guided us Allah (AJ) to this love that I want you to have this reality, then follow My ulul amr (saints). And those whom watching, those whom accompany, those whom are following the turuqs (spiritual paths), this is Allah’s (AJ) N’imat and gift. He guided us to those who represent that Lisanul Haq. And they inherited from the holy Sahabi (Holy Companions of Prophet ﷺ), holy Ahlul Bayt (Holy Family of Prophet ﷺ), Lisan as Siddiq: the truthful tongue is the inheritance of Lisanul Haq. As a result, they inherited from that tongue and that is the way of all haqqaiqs (realities).
Don’t Get Lost in Arabic Words, Meditation is Very Important in Islam
If we don’t know the reality, we don’t understand the whole purpose of this tafakkur and contemplation. And we still get questions that, ‘Is there meditation in Islam?’ There is no Islam outside of tafakkur. So, don’t get lost in Arabic words, you know, this is not a course in which how to become and how to turn the world into Arabs, they already had their chance. This is a way towards realities. And when Allah (AJ) describe the language of paradise, and they come and say oh, well then the language of paradise is Arabic. But the language of paradise has no tongue. So, in these huroof there are secrets. That what does Allah (AJ) mean by the language of paradise to be Arabic is they understood the huroof. This ‘Arab’ ع – رب is Ayn, the first letter of it is Ayn that they have a hidden knowledges and they have an eye that’s open within their heart. Ayn Rab is this ancient knowledge of Al-‘Alim (The All Knowing) is dressing these lordly souls.
Rabbaniyoon Teach About the Life of Kitabullah, Sayyidina Muhamamd ﷺ
These Rabbaniyoon (Lordly Souls), where Allah (AJ) asks us in Qur’an be Rabbaniyoon. Learn my book and teach my Kitab (book).
﴾…وَلَـٰكِن كُونُوا رَبَّانِيِّينَ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تُعَلِّمُونَ الْكِتَابَ وَبِمَا كُنتُمْ تَدْرُسُونَ ﴿٧٩
3:79 – “…wa lakin kono rabbaniyena bima kuntum tu`allimoonal kitaba wabima kuntum tadrusoon.” (Surat Ali-Imran)
“…Be Lordly Souls/faithful servants/worshippers of Him, Because (of what) you have taught the Book and you have studied it earnestly.” (Family of Imran, 3:79)
Awliya (saints) come deeper and saying who is the Book of Allah (AJ)? There is no printing press in heavens. They’re sitting out and printing out papers for us and then Allah’s (AJ) distributing from the heavens down all these books and kitabs. So, awliyaullah (saints) come and told the walking kitab of Allah (AJ) is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So, Rabbaniyoon what? They learn the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ direct from the source and the soul of Prophet ﷺ. They learned it and then their whole life was to teach it. Their life is not politics. Their life is not fighting with people. Their light and their life is to teach what they learned from the realities of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Those are the true Rabbaniyoon. That is an Arab that he has ancient knowledges and this his soul is from the Arbab, and as a result they carry the languages of paradise and all the realities of paradise. What Allah (AJ) want from us is to be dressed by those realities, blessed by those realities.
Rules of Self-Isolation for Covid-19 is Similar to Khalwah
As soon as they took a path in which to make their tafakkur and their contemplation was to open these energies and open these realities. That to keep your focus upon the shaykh; he teaches you how to meditate, contemplate. Efface yourself to be nothing and sit in a place of contemplation. So, all of Qur’an is tafakkur. All of Qur’an is stop and contemplate. Stop and think.
And if anyone doubting it, SubhanAllah, the whole world is now been put into isolation, khalwah, seclusion. Then they tell you don’t even isolate (with people), cause like in khalwah you can’t sit 5 people in a carpet, in a room. The khalwah actually you have to go into your own rooms and you have to be with yourself for 40 days. You don’t have common areas, sit down and hang out and talk. You have to go into your own isolation for 40 days. And deal with your own mentality, and all of your own sicknesses, and all of your issues. With the nazar (gaze) of awliyaullah and their support, you come out okay, you come out improved and understanding. Now Allah (AJ) want for all of dunya (material world). They tell you not only seclude but stay 6 feet away people, even your family members.
Allah (AJ) Orders the Whole World into Seclusion & Take an Account
So, it means what they’re asking, ‘Is their meditation in Qur’an?’ Now Allah (AJ) making the whole world mandatory meditation. Because as soon as they enter into their seclusion and seclude themselves and isolate themselves in home, most of them want to jump out a window. Because they’re not happy with themselves and they definitely didn’t want to see themselves in their space and in their home. Most people escape themselves by running out in theaters and malls and shopping centers. They run, run, run, hoping to find a happiness that lives somewhere else. Not where they are. But unfortunately, they are the thing that they’re running from. You take yourself wherever you go. Some people want to choose a new location to be happy. Some people want to go to a theater to be happy. But unfortunately, you’re packing yourself everywhere you go.
It’s that self that Allah (AJ) wants us to focus on. That self, put it in a room, sit down, close your eyes, put some nice salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and begin to identify who you are. What is it that you like? What is it that you dislike? How to quiet your voice? How to quiet your whisperings? And then begin to take an account of oneself. That I keep an account of myself. What have I done today, Ya Rabbi? With all this time I have, what have I don’t with all my life. What was the purpose of my life? What have I amassed? Is it an amassing of immense good deeds or I’ve just amassed a bunch of things that are going to be an accounting to myself. And I have all these people that I’ve harmed and all these things that I’ve done wrong? It means that humanity doesn’t want to stop and therefore they begin to panic and go crazy. They don’t want to think that there’s a Creator; death is awaiting them and now to take my hisaab (accounting).
Real Awliya Teach How to Connect Our Heart to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
And those whom believe they find a relief that Allah (AJ) actually slowing the game down. Everybody go and sit and meditate, contemplate and then see that Allah (AJ) gave us these tools. As soon as I sit, I keep the contact with my shaykh. Visualize my shaykh is always present with me, his nazar is upon me. And I’m playing my salawats, listening to Holy Qur’an and I begin to breathe. And I ask to send from that light and from that blessing. Take us into the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, to feel that light and the love and the nazar of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
And all awliyaullah, their purpose is to take people to the threshold and the door of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. They’re not supposed to take people to themselves, they’re not supposed to make it a personality cult about themselves. It’s about teaching students connect your heart with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Visualize yourself at Rauza e Sharif (holy burial chamber). And visualize yourself asking to be at the holy threshold and Sayyidi Ya Rasulul Kareem, Ya Habibul Azeem, unzur halana wa ishfalana, that gaze upon me and your light intercede upon me. I’m not worthy of anything. I’ve done many things wrong. Keep your nazar upon me.
With Good Character Seek Holy Gaze of the Rasulul Kareem ﷺ
Then they teach you then keep the way of ishq (love). Prophet ﷺ will look at you if you have good character. Prophet ﷺ will look at you if you are continuously making salawats. Prophet ﷺ will dress you and bless you. If you’re sitting at that threshold, good character, making salawats and no doubt with all your heart you believe that Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ nazar upon your soul, praying for you, reciprocating cause he’s the best of character. If you’re doing it then you know with all your heart, he ﷺ must definitely be giving back what you’re asking, for you can’t be better. If you’re standing and asking and with sincerity your heart is continuously making salawats and you see yourself at that threshold, then with no doubt in your heart that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is praying for me. And increase my salawats.
Breathe With Consciousness to Energize Your Lungs
Then we begin to understand all these difficulties that are coming in this Earth right now, it has to do with the holy breath. A sickness is now entering into the lungs of people. And this breath, Nafas ur Rahmah (the Breath of Mercy), is supposed to come in with a zikr (Divine remembrance), with a consciousness, a thankfulness to Allah (AJ). Alhamdulillah wa Shukranlillah. Alhamdulillah, that everything is praising Allah (AJ), I must be praising. Shukranlillah, that Allah (AJ) must be thanked. Shukr (gratitude) for what You gave me, thank you for what You kept away from me. That breath comes in not heedless, that breath comes in energized. As they breathe then this tree of life shouldn’t be under attack.
Coronavirus Attacks the Lungs, Our Tree of Life
But now what’s attacking on this dunya is a virus that is coming like concrete onto the lungs. And those lungs are the tree of life. Something is coming, something is happening, why is it attacking the lungs? And that’s for the believer to meditate and contemplate. This tree of life that Allah (AJ) has given to us is the first thing that nourishes everything. If the breath is bad, if the action is bad, if the speech is bad, if the character is bad, then whatever comes is going to come and begin to contaminate and begin to attack. As it attacks, it’s going for the tree of life. It’s trying to take a tree that should be blossoming green and prospering and blacken it and darken it and to kill it.
Nafas ur Rahmah Dresses the Blood and the Heart Stamps the Iron
And that tree, when it comes with Nafas ur Rahmah, that breath comes into the lungs and all the capillaries that are making and forming the blood are dressed by this holy breath. So that those, that blood is being dressed and blessed, that blood is then pushed back into the heart with a heart stamps the iron. On each cell of blood there’s a little microscopic iron and that iron is what holds the energy that’s running on the blood. That breath comes, the heart comes and zikrullah, those whom are making zikr in their heart, continuously making zikr and salawat upon their heart, that energy stamps that iron, stamps that little microscopic iron that make your blood to be blue, to be red. That blood becomes stamped; when it’s stamped by zikrullah it’s energized. That’s what they call the chi, the nazmah, the energy and the qudra (power).
Purify & Clean Your Blood With the Sunnah of Hijama (Cupping)
The qudra doesn’t stick to liquid. It’s actually sticking to the iron. As a result, that iron is energized and flowing through all the organs of the body. Powered and energized. Energized with zikr of Allah (AJ), salawat and praisings upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That is why the hijama was ordered for the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. The hijama and pulling out the dirty blood from the back and the points upon the shoulder was to purify and clean that blood. For that blood, when it becomes dirty that metal, that iron become like rusted, the source of all infection and difficulty. That dirty blood with an older dirty iron, for us just to understand it, it begins to collect upon the back.
So, what they have like smart buildings, they understood that what you breathe on the 20th floor, the same guy on the 10th floor and the same guy on the 5th floor is breathing. The air just is going up and around, up and around. The physiology of the body is the same. Whatever we’re doing with our blood and movement, this iron is moving. Once it moves through all the essential organs, the body collects it and starts to store it on the back. When that becomes dirtied and old, then this is where shaitan (satan) lands upon the back of the believer. He doesn’t ever land on the front, because the power of the heart is too powerful. So, he approaches those whom their hearts are lit and those whom believe, he approaches from the back. Many people begin to feel a scratching on their back cause he comes like a dirty creature with claws like a bird, not even a bird cause birds are holy but a creature for us to understand, comes with his claws and his creatures they land upon the back. And they have a big beak and from the back they push the beak into the heart and from the back the believer is attacked.
Purify the Breath With Zikr and Purge All Negativity
So, it means that when they’re breathing and their practices, it is their whole energy and qudra (power). When they understood that I’m nothing. I see the nazar (gaze) of my shaykh dress me, bless me and then they begin just to practice their breathing. Bring in the energy of their breath, ask for that breath to become energized and purified. All the zikr that we’re doing all day long is powering the blood, energizing the blood. So, that when this tree is coming under attack, the breath that you have, the energy that you have, the zikr that you’re doing is producing an overwhelming amount of energy. That energy begin to push back something that is attacking the holy tree of the breath.
Where we saw on the ‘Lord of the Rings,’ they had set fire to the tree. Means that when shaitan comes his whole focus is to take insan (human being) down. Like a football game, he knows exactly who he’s going for. He says my whole purpose is to take your heart. You want to give your heart to Allah (AJ) and I’m here to take it away from Allah (AJ). So, his whole interest is to get into the heart. How is he going to get into the heart is through the breath. How is he going to get into the heart is through the liver. Through these organs, they are like the perimeter of this castle. The whole palace and the whole throne is upon the heart. So, everything else is coming to attack to get into the heart. And now his attack and now this virus to spread it is now going for the lungs. So, then this is essential for the people of zikr, increase the zikr, increase the practices, increase the salawat. Increase the breathing exercise in which you’re breathing and asking, Ya Rabbi, dress me from Nafas ur Rahmah, that bring this qudra of breath into my being and let me sort of purge and exhale all negativity and badness of my character.
Three Lights of Healing to Transmit Energy: Shafi, Kafi, Al Mu’afi
Once they understood that and their heart becomes lit and the energy of their heart becomes lit then this energy and this qudra begin to emanate from them. From their left hand Al-Shafi is a healing like a fire. When they begin to make a healing, Shafi, Kafi, Al-Mu’afi, that the left hand is from Shafi. And all of this is under the Muhammadan reality cause these are the name of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That you’re asking for a Shafi and sifat Al-Shafi (attribute of the Healer) is going to come like a fire and begin to burn away every type of difficulty. The left hand burns away and creates a fire. The right hand is like a light, like a moisture or a Jamali, a beatific light that comes and begin to put down. After the fire burned away a sickness, the right hand comes to heal, like a rain of rahmah (mercy) upon that insan for healing.
From Shafi (left hand), Kafi (right hand), Mu’afi (forehead), from their forehead emits a light onto the soul of that person. So, means these are 3 lights and their healing, from their forehead, the left hand, the right hand on how to transmit their energy. So, many, many benefits of the tafakkur, the contemplation, energizing, connecting with the energy, connecting with the reality. That’s why they teach the whole package. If you don’t know the Muhammadan reality, what’s the benefit of the teaching? You think you’re connecting directly to Allah (AJ). So, that’s why they teach the Muhammadan reality. Your connection is to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Then when you’re making that connection and you understood that reality that you’re asking Prophet ﷺ send the nazar, send the lights, send the powers coming from your holy heart and then begin to energize that insan and their reality, InshaAllah.
Use Your Time to Learn About Realities of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
Most important is not to panic, not to fear. Whatever is coming of a fear and inner realities that you’re off-course with something. And that’s a time to meditate that Ya Rabbi, why am I having fear. Am I really scared to meet you cause I’ve done something that bad? Maybe my love for you is not correct yet. Maybe my love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is not correct yet. Then we try to increase the love by our salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ). Increase the love by Allah (AJ) giving us this time now to read and educate ourself on our soul of this reality. The website is all online. All the teaching is online, all the app is ready. Read, read, read, understand, study the greatness and the love and the haqqaiq of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and you begin to fall in love with Prophet ﷺ.
Sadness is the Key to the Presence of Prophet ﷺ
That’s why all these nasheeds (song of praise) say Ya Rasulul Kareem – why Kareem? Because they entered into a love, they began to seek and what began to come towards them of lights and beauties and fragrances, that’s why Kareem that the immense generosity of the love of Prophet ﷺ. He leaves nobody empty-handed. But its entrance is what? The key to the presence of Prophet ﷺ is sadness. For if you’re happy and enjoying and everything is fantastic, you’re not thinking of Prophet ﷺ like that. So, Koh-e-gham, what was she saying, ‘I have taken upon myself this mountain of gham.’
عشق میں تیرے كوہ غم سر پہ لیا جو ہو سو ہو
عیش و نشاط زندگی چھوڑ دیا جو ھو سو ھو
Ishq may tere kohe gham sar pey liyaa, jo ho so ho
Aysho neshaate zindagi chor diyaa, jo ho so ho
For your love, I carry the mountains of sadness on my head, whatever happens, will happen,
I left all the joy and luxuries of life, whatever happens, will happen.
It means as I lived a life of carrying burdens and sadness. All I feel is just sadness everywhere. Because you look to animals and you’re crying. Is there anybody who can watch now and see how they treat animals. Those people who are been slaughtered on Asia, how they’re treating the animals that they eat. No mercy, no rahmah. Wherever they look they are crying. How they treat animals like this? How they treat humans like this? How they treat each other like this? So, life became koh-e-gham where everything is just sadness and sorrow. That is the key to Prophet’s ﷺ presence. Ya Sayyidi, ya Rasul, this is too much, too much sadness, too many difficulties. My heart is broken, everything is falling apart.
And with that sadness and humility they’re entering into the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and fill them with such a love and such an intoxication they forgot the gham (sadness) until they left and went out and they realized, oh my gosh, the gham is still there. Because for that moment you feel the immense love, immense pleasure like our zikrs we feel oh…an ecstasy, everything’s great. You go back home and real world hits you again. It lasts but a couple hours and then again the world is right back at its place. They didn’t even take a break, just waiting for you. So, that becomes our life. That is the key towards that presence and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Don’t Panic – Live a Life of Preparedness & Leave the Rest to Allah (AJ)
Not to panic, don’t be scared. That keep supplies within the home, to have like a little market within your home. Go buy food, go buy the necessary things for your children, for yourselves. Mawlana Shaykh was teaching years, 30, 40, 50 years, we are following for 25-30 years. From the beginning was always to have a market in the home. Always have supplies in your home. Have first aid-kits. Have peroxide. Have disinfectants. Have batteries for lights. Have everything you can imagine that you would need to survive with. Because this is only phase one. This is not the end. This sickness is only a beginning. War coming upon this Earth that nothing will be left standing, everything will be burning. This is only step one. This step one for the preparation and people to be prepared. Have food, have supplies, live a life of understanding that your life is not a drive-thru McDonald’s and grocery store always available to you. Keep these things and these supplies to ourselves, to our homes, to our families, InshaAllah.
And then we do our best. This is where faith is most important is that you take one step, Allah (AJ) comes 99 steps towards us. We do our best to the food that we can and to the budget that people have. We leave it for Allah (AJ) to make it to last. From awliyaullah teaching that Allah (AJ) would send, in times of immense difficulty, will send from the unseen. These unseen will multiply and bless whatever the believers eat. They take one bite, they’ll make it to be full for 30 days. It’s not something that is understood and it’s not something logical what’s coming. This is going to be opening a door towards the unseen and the door towards Iman and faith. Those who have immense faith, immense faith and love, they should see miraculous events begin to open, InshaAllah. We pray that Allah (AJ) to dress us and bless us.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: March 24, 2020
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