Who Are We Really Listening To? Why It’s Hard To Follow Shaykh’s Advice? | Sufi Meditation Center
Learn the system of how to open the lock upon the hearing through taking a path of silence and submission through testing to open the soul and spiritual vision.
Video Chapters :
00:00 We see the signs within and upon the horizon – Mankind is at war
01:27 What is divine difficulty? Clean yourself before those with no mercy clean you
01:53 Tariqah is not easy and requires honest effort
02:06 “Alif, Laam, ra” – the flow of power and who the ‘Ra – Ulul Amr (People of the Command)’ are
03:31 Tariqah was to exemplify and move towards the reality of Ulul Amr through training of the physical hearing which opens spiritual hearing
04:54 Through hearing the soul can be pulled out, the more powerful their hearing the more powerful their submission
06:15 Whose spiritual inspiration is most powerful speaks on their behalf
06:28 The process of speaking – train spiritual hearing – soul experience – spiritual seeing – spiritual vision
07:19 The superiority of the Muhammadan Nation is in “Sam’ina wa ata’na – we hear, and we obey”
08:16 Don’t put up a façade, the testing is all the time even at home and work
10:09 Every moment is about achieving the hearing reality, observe your state of hearing
10:38 Observe and discipline your interaction and character to open your hearing
11:40 Dangers of Nafs Al-Ammara (Evil Self) and its intolerance to listen to any comment
12:57 Everything will become the testing ground. The talks were to take home and prepare you.
13:26 Our discipline of Sam’ina wa ata’na was to be quiet to every comment
14:11 If you fail the test only will repeat. Insanity is to do the same things and expect a different outcome
15:28 Nothing can be achieved until you grow up and understand you will be tested, and remain silent
16:31 no hearing – no submission – no soul activity. If you don’t follow this then any opening you have is false.
16:53 The lock upon mankind’s hearing and the physical markings Satan has put to show his dominion over them
18:17 How the Ulul Amr were trained and the wisdom behind it
20:10 Wisdom of controlling the hearing – you become stronger and stronger
20:39 How people are processing what they’re told in their minds and doing the exact opposite
23:22 Our way is to be nothing until you can be dressed with following the command regardless of anything or anyone
24:40 They’re describing so we can identify – are you following the command or battling it within the mind?
25:56 The danger of people in tariqah who analyse the command and how it can halt their responsibilities
27:48 Every opportunity is to exhibit patience and control the nafs so the soul can follow its commands
29:00 Those with that character are supported by Allah (AJ) with a mighty support
29:31 Learn the system to reach the reality, clean yourself before someone is sent to clean you
Recorded : 20220225
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