English: A Spellbinding Language Built on Spellcraft? | Jesus Used Portals? | Sufi Meditation Center
Spiritual effects due to words and sounds hidden in Languages, whether origin is pagan, modern, ancient, Heavenly, etc. Are Satanically crafted languages a prison for the mind and the soul? What constraints, restrictions or hardships do these languages manifest on our day-to-day lives?
Also, is mount Qaf a “portal of refuge” for Saints and Prophets? In the End times, how will portals come into play? Refuge of Safety in the sky or another dimension? Are Portals Opening for Satanic Demon Jinn minions to enter our realm? Are they taking humans away from our dimensions?
Q&A Talk Chapters :
00:00 In the context of hearing, what is the significance of language and is different energy attached to a different languages?
07:33 Does the ear infection come from a different energy?
10:02 Is any kind of doubt or gossip or waswas (whispering) the downfall to the soul and what about those who spread it?
11:47 Would it be correct to say that Sayyidina Isa (as) and Sayyidina Ali (as) were transported through a portal and there may be many saints that are currently in a portal from over 300 years ago waiting to appear now?
Recorded : 20220916
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Secrets of the Blessed Sahabi and Ahlul Bayt – Sdn Abu Bakr (ع), Sdn. Umar (ع), Sdn Uthman (ع), Sdn Ali (ع), Sdn Imam Hasan (ع), Sdn Imam Hussein (ع), Sdn Fatima AzZahra (ع)
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