Realities of the 5 levels of Hajj
From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen, was salaatu was salaamu ‘alaa Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Madad ya Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem, Ya Habibul ‘Azeem, unzur halana wa ishfa’lana, ‘abidona bi madadikum wa nazarekum.
A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum.
﴾أَطِيعُواللَّه وَأَطِيعُوٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ… ﴿٥٩…
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)
We Can Only Reach Realities With Humility
Alhamdulillah, always a reminder for myself – ya Rabbi ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl and in existence by the grace and mercy of Allah (AJ), that to admit all my nothingness and then Allah’s (AJ) greatness and that His rahmah be upon us; His mercy and rahmah and forgiveness be upon us and that Allah (AJ) take us into His oceans of rahmah.
Alhamdulillah, as a reminder always for myself that these teachings of reality, the audience is not necessarily the people you may think. That in the last days when haqqaiqs are coming out and realities, what we call haqqaiqs are realities, and realities of the prophetic presence. It’s meant for people who submit to reach to yaqeen and certainty; open many realities if they are humble enough to approach. Allah (AJ) has secrets hidden within the ruins. It may not be in a symbol that you would think it is and Allah (AJ) may have a treasure somewhere. If one is humble enough to seek out Allah’s (AJ) ni’mat (blessing) and treasure, you’ll be surprised in where Allah (AJ) hides them.
Little Knowledge Can Create Tremendous Arrogance
The people who are coming with a clean heart, open slate, whom Allah (AJ) guiding, it means they’re not necessarily yet believing even. But Allah (AJ) will guide them towards these realities and they hear these realities and they come quicker. So, these are PhD of Islam but more enjoyable for the non-Muslim because they hear and they become astonished.
While little knowledge can cause big difficulty – anybody have little bit of knowledge, that knowledge can block their head and create a barrier that the haqqaiq is like ‘I never heard that.’ Even that term, ‘I never heard that’ is a sign of tremendous arrogance as if all knowledge flows through you, you’ve heard it, you accepted it, it must be real. Who are you to hear everything? Allah’s (AJ) oceans are immense, immense beyond imagination. You have the ilmul shari’ah (knowledge of Divine Law), ilmul tariqah (knowledge of spiritual path), ilmul ma’rifah (knowledge of gnosticism), ilmul haqqiqah (knowledge of reality) and the ilmul ‘azimah (knowledge of determination).
Don’t Let Pride Veil Your Heart from Receiving Realities
Shari’ah (Divine law) is the basics; what governs and the laws of this universe, what Allah (AJ) in the world of form governing, cause and effect. It means that these knowledges, for example of the Hajj (pilgrimage), we have with Mawlana Shaykh’s (Q) barakah (blessing), we put from our work on websites, we put a book.
But as a reminder that people think, ‘Oh, this book is only for Muslims. No no, give this book to every non-Muslim and they’ll understand it better than the Muslims because Muslim may have a block. They think they did salah (prayer) and oh, they achieved the seven heavens and all its realities. They gave a zakah (charity), they fasted in Ramadan. It means all of that can be a source of pride in which it blocks the heart and veils the heart from realities.
Move Deeper Into The Heavenly Realm Where It’s Eternal
It means just an understanding of Hajj and we get so many emails of the usool (principles) and, ‘If I did like this tawaf (circumambulation), is it like this? And I did like that, is this accepted? Did like that, is that accepted?’ What Allah (AJ) wants for us, what Prophet ﷺ wants for us, what awliyaullah (saints) want for us is move deeper.
Move deeper into the world of malakut (heavenly realm) because the malakut is eternal, is daayim (eternal). You’re so stuck only on the world of form and this form after 70, 80, 85, 90 years, you go. So, there must be something that is eternal and Allah (AJ) wants more than only the shari’ah.
Tariqah is Your Radius to the Center of Nucleus
But now what is the tariqah knowledge? What is the ma’rifah (gnosticism)? Bbecause we said before, this life is a circle. The circumference is the law that governs everything. You cannot make the sun and the moon to change directions. It is the way Allah (AJ) wants it. You can not make the electrons to spin in a different direction.
It means the governing force in which Allah (AJ), the Divinely Presence, is making cause and effect in His world of form. But when you take the tariq (path), it means you’re taking now a radius from the circumference and coming to the center. All the radiuses are equal. It means Allah (AJ) is one. Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Presence is the nucleus.
7 Rings are Symbolic to Our Inner and Outer Hajj
Allah (AJ) is teaching for us (Shaykh shows a diagram) the circle, 7 rings, symbolic of our hajj. There is a outside hajj (Shaykh points to the outer ring), inside hajj (Shaykh points to the inner rings). So, remember this image because the ladies are sharper than the men so I have to keep it over here for them to continuously see it. Because they’re arguing with me in their heart, ‘He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.’
So, it means the understanding of Hajj. Oh oh, everybody understands Hajj. We’re going to go make tawaf, I have to do everything that I have to do, that I have to go to Safa and Marwah. Allah (AJ) said once you did that, alhamdulillah, you completed that, but that’s not the end. That’s merely the beginning. As soon as you tafakkur and you contemplate, they want you to contemplate and stop and they begin to send isharat (sign). They begin to send an understanding within the heart. That, what was the first Hajj? We’ve said many times before but there many new people and now with the book coming out, people think ‘Oh, this is like only for advanced Muslims.’ No no, this is for you and all your family because they’ll understand it easier because they don’t have a block.
The Reality of Your First Hajj Was in the Womb
What was the first hajj? It was in your mother’s womb. Your mom has a seed which is ahad (one) because one seed comes. Haramain is the womb. There’s no haram (forbidden). Allah (AJ) wants no haram in the womb of a woman. So, the real Haramain is the womb of the woman. The first Hajj is a seed that comes down, it’s ahad. It’s one seed that comes into that Haramain and when the man sends his seed, it’s 500 thousand or 500 million hajjis.
Don’t you see them white? Watch the Hajj. On the aerial shot of Hajj, you look. Why Allah (AJ) wants you in white? Which is a reminder: don’t put any clothes, don’t show me your status. Don’t tell me you came from this fluid and now you’re an oppressor to all of mankind. You’re just like that and that’s how I brought you into this world.
﴾أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الْإِنسَانُ أَنَّا خَلَقْنَاهُ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَا هُوَ خَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ ﴿٧٧
36:77 – “Awalam yaral Insanu anna khalaqnahu min Nutfatin fa idha huwa khaseemun mubeen.” (Surat YaSeen)
“Does not man see that it is We Who created him from a sperm-drop? Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open opponent/disputer/adversary!” (YaSeen, 36:77)
We Were Granted Life From Our First Hajj
So then the first hajj was in the womb, that 500 thousand or 500 million – I don’t know what the count is it’s ridiculous either way – they’re making Hajj. They’re making tawaf. They’re all what? They’re all going for the egg. They’re spinning around, spinning around until one of them can get in. One of them kisses the black stone means Allah (AJ) give a permission that that seed go inside. It’s the first Hajj. So, then when somebody reads that they come back to the shari’ah Hajj and they become astonished. The outer Hajj, ‘I don’t want to do it because I have a big ego and I don’t want to spend all that money to travel there.’
The haqqaiq, Allah (AJ) say, ‘I don’t care if you want to go.’ You don’t want to go, you’ve already gone. You came by Hajj, you’re a Hajji. As a result, you are granted life. You went into the egg and Allah (AJ) granted you from Sifat ar-Rahman (attribute of the Most Compassionate). As soon as you came from the rahem (womb) of Rahman, Allah (AJ) granted you a nur (light) and you’re now in this dunya (worldly realm) as an insan (human being). Because rahm, rahman, noon, you’re granted life. You came into this world as the one who is accepted by hajji. Your 499,999999 million hajjis, they didn’t get it.
Making Tawaf Around the Ka’bah Holds Secrets of Allah’s (AJ) Might
So, it means Allah (AJ) say I gave you a tremendous gift. I gave you the life, the gift of life, that the other zurriya (progeny) they didn’t make it. You made it. You’re granted a Hajj. As a result, what you’re going to do now with your life? That you’re here by a tremendous gift from my Divinely Presence. They read that and they begin to understand. Then Allah (AJ) says then if you don’t understand that, look outside, do you see the sun? Why you make tawaf around the Ka’bah? Izzatullah (Allah’s (AJ) Might and Magnificence).
It’s not because of stones otherwise you’re a stone worshipper. Why you making tawaf around the Ka’bah? Izzatullah is there. There’s a secret – we go into that. There’s a secret of Allah’s (AJ) Izzah and Might. That Might and Izzah is emanating in that direction. Allah (AJ) teaching for us, make tawaf, make tawaf, not for the stones. Don’t go think you’re the blessing on the stones. There is a secret there. There is a ruhaniyat (spirituality) there. There is a izzah there. Allah (AJ) said because of that light, make your circumambulation.
Allah (AJ) Makes Planets Perform Hajj Around the Sun
Where again do we see the Izzah of Allah (AJ)? In the sun and He made all the planets, “Wa hamalna dhurriyyatahum.” Allah (AJ) says an ayah (verse) for you that we held all of you in the fulkil mashhoon
﴾وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمْ أَنَّا حَمَلْنَا ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ فِي الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ ﴿٤١
36:41 – “Wa ayatul lahum anna hamalna dhurriyyatahum fil fulkil mashhooni.” (Surat YaSeen)
“And a sign for them is that we have carried their atoms/forefathers in the loaded ship.” (YaSeen, 36:41)
One fulk (ship) is this dunya. It’s spinning and you can’t stop it and you can’t speed it up and it’s going at such a speed that it is astonishing to scientists. That this ship, this Earth is a ship. It goes in an orbit and Allah (AJ) says and a sign for you, we carried you in this ship. It means you have no choice of your Hajj. Allah (AJ) is making you to make your tawaf around the sun. It means at every level, Allah (AJ) wants us to understand.
Everything Except Insan Submits to the Light of Allah (AJ)
So then again the person reads and says that even my body now we’re making Hajj, you want, you don’t want, because “Innad deena ‘indAllahil Islam.”
﴾إِنَّ الدِّيْنَ عِنْدَ اللهِ الإِسْلاَمُ…﴿١٩
3:19 – “Innad deena ‘indAllahil Islam.” (Surat Ali-Imran)
“The religion with God is Islam [Submission]…” (Family of Imran, 3:19)
When Allah’s (AJ) religion is Islam, it means everything submits to Allah (AJ) except the jahool (ignorant), except the jahool, the insan (mankind). Say you like it, you don’t like it, My way is submission. I’m making the Earth, make tawaf. The Earth is spinning around the sun making tawaf around the light and all the planets. They found all of the universes make tawaf towards a powerful sun, billion times, hundred billion times the size of this sun. Everything is making a tawaf because Allah (AJ) teaching: you circumambulate My Izzah, My Might and My strength and you circumambulate that which is eternal. Don’t circumambulate the form but circumambulate the light and in your life, always seek the light. Don’t seek that which is physical only, seek the light.
The Heart of the Believer is the House of the Lord
Then Allah (AJ) say we’ll go again, that in your insan, and all of these are the openings of Holy Hadith where Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Who knows himself will know his Lord.’
قَال رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ:” مَنْ عَرَفَ نَفْسَهْ فَقَدْ عَرَفَ رَبَّهُ”
Qala Rasulullahi ﷺ: “Man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu”
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Who knows himself, knows his Lord.”
So then, ya Rabbi, where is Your Izzah upon me? “Qalb al mu’min bayt Allah.” It means now your heart is My house.
قَال رَسُولَ اللَّه ﷺ، قَالْ اللَّه عَزَ وَجَلْ: ” قَلْبَ الْمُؤْمِنْ بَيْتُ الرَّب.” [حَدِيثْ اَلْقُدْسِي]
Qala Rasulallahi ﷺ, Qala Allah (AJ): “ “Qalb al mu’min baytur rabb.” [Hadith al Qudsi]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, that Allah (AJ) said, “The heart of the believer is the House of the Lord.” (Holy Hadith)
Follow Your Heart and Purify the Ka’bah Within Yourself
That Ka’bah that you’re paying money to go visit, alhamdulillah, but you have a Ka’bah within you. If you purify that masjid, you clean that masjid, you make tawaf around that masjid, it’s going to be Baitullah (House of Allah (AJ)). “Qalb al mu’min Baitullah.” So, Allah (AJ) then teaching, again, you have a Ka’bah within you. You should be circumambulating your heart. Those who circumambulate their heart, they understand this reality and our whole life is about that.
Our whole life is that I don’t want to follow my heart, I want to follow my maghz, my brain. My brain is continuously taking me in the wrong direction because I’m trying to use my brain for understanding and I’m not circumambulating my heart. I know my heart says go to zikr (Divine remembrance). My brain says let me go out with my friends. I know my heart says be charitable, be kind and be of service and my brain says no, no, no, it’s going to finish that money. Don’t give nothing. Take care of yourself, think only of yourself. The brain is in a fight with the heart. So, Allah (AJ) is teaching: not only that you fly to Hijaz and you said that’s finished, but our whole life is ya Rabbi, let me make the real tawaf, where my whole life is around my heart. My struggle is to circumambulate and to my make my heart your home.
It solves every problem. If Allah (AJ) going to be occupying my heart, can I have ghadab (anger)? That’s why ghadab is kufr (disbelief). It’s muhabbat and love is the only thing that occupies the house of Allah (AJ). Allah (AJ) doesn’t allow anger into the house. Allah (AJ) doesn’t allow crazy character and crazy behaviour. Allah (AJ) says purify my house. I’m not going to come into that house when you yelling and you stinky and you crazy and you have every type of bad attitude. So, tazkiyah (purification) is what? Clean the heart!
Do Not Be Preoccupied With Shaitan’s Whisperings
So, I have people come downstairs and they ask, ‘Shaykh, is the beans halal (permissible)? (Shaykh laughs) What? The beans, is the beans halal? Halal and haram is clear, if it has something forbidden from Allah (AJ), like pieces of pork, then no, it’s haram, but do you think with our beards, we’re selling sausage from pork down there? No, but they’re so preoccupied with the wrong thing.
You’re preoccupied because shaitan (satan) gives believers OCD, is it OCD? OCD. They go make wudu, they come out. Shaitan whispered your wudu wasn’t good, they go back in, make wudu again, come back, (shaitan whispered) your wudu wasn’t good, some people would go so many times and wash, that the skin is red and they pull their skin because why? Shaitan is making whispering into them: make them have shaq and doubt. Why you have shaq? Why you have doubt?
Cleansing of the Heart is More Important Than How Much Water to Wash With
The Sahabi (Holy Companions of Prophet ﷺ), if you want to train yourself with wudu, I won’t go into wudu. But take a cup, in the bathroom, fill the cup with water and only make wudu with your cup, don’t turn that sink on. Sahabi, had no water, they’re making wudu and tayammum (act of dry ablution), if you manage to make wudu with this cup, (Shaykh holds a glass of water) that’s understanding.
Then you understand it’s not about the water, it’s not about throwing water all over yourself, all over your clothes, come out like you were in a hamam (washroom) and everybody be astonished by you. It’s all playing. Shaitan make people to play. So, focusing on the beans and focusing on that. Why you’re not focusing on what Allah (AJ) said? Make my house. You’re not making my house. You’re still listening to shaitan. My house has to be your heart. Clean your heart. How am I going to come?
Allah (AJ) Will Send Divine Support If You Spend Your Life Cleaning
Then the Ahle Tazkiyah (People of Purification), that’s all they do. Why tazkiyah? Because they understood, they understood the usool (principles) is very simple. My children understand the usool. But tazkiyah, that I want Allah (AJ) to come into my heart. I want Allah (AJ) to make my heart His Ka’bah, to make my heart His masjid. So, my whole life is to clean it and clean it. Ya Rabbi, I’m almost there, I’m almost there. I’m cleaning, I’m cleaning. “Idha jaa a Nasrullahi wal Fath.”
﴾إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّـهِ وَالْفَتْحُ ﴿١
110:1 – “Idha jaa a Nasrullahi wal Fath.” (Surat An-Nasr)
“When there comes the Divine Support of Allah and the Victory.” (The Divine Support, 110:1)
Even Sayyidina Nuh (as) Was Overcome by Shayateen
When Allah (AJ) sees that the heart and the servant is cleaning and cleaning, there’s no way I can clean it. There’s no way. That I am overwhelmed by shayateen (devils), and shayateen trying to ruin everything because this month is the month of qamar (moon), the month of 54 where they came against Sayyidina Nuh (as). Every time he’s building his ship and the people coming and putting all their garbage upon the ship to destroy Allah’s (AJ) will, to destroy Allah’s (AJ) house until Sayyidina Nuh (as) said, “Ya Rabbi, I’m overcome, I’m overcome. If your support doesn’t reach to me and you don’t destroy this shaitan, I’m already overcome.”
﴾فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِرْ ﴿١٠﴾ فَفَتَحْنَا أَبْوَابَ السَّمَاءِ بِمَاءٍ مُّنْهَمِرٍ ﴿١١
54:10-11 – “Fada Aa rabba hu annee Maghloobun Faintasir. (10) Fa fatahna abwaba al sama bi ma in munhamirin. (11) (Surat Al- Qamar)
“Then he called on his Lord: ‘I am one Overpowered/overcome: Please then help (me)! (10) So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth. (11)” (The Moon, 54:10-11)
So, it means the way of tazkiyah is that you’re not going to reach it by your amal (good deeds), but you just be busy cleaning your heart, cleaning your heart, cleaning all my character. Ya Rabbi, how can I have anger? Grant me the strength to lose that anger so that my heart be clean. How can I have these bad characteristic, bad desires? Then Allah (AJ) inspire: go make zikr, go make salawat on Prophet ﷺ. Go do all these actions that bring a light into your heart, bring a support into your heart and that becomes a tremendously important Hajj.
We Must Work on Purifying Our Heart Before Going for Physical Hajj
Can I ask you then with your basic logic, if your heart is filthy, and you’re going and paying $15,000 to make a Hajj, what’s the purpose? Some people actually think that they’re going as criminals, they go there, they’ll make Hajj, they come back not a criminal, right? They go at their old age. They say, ‘Shaykh, I’ll wait till I’ve done all the crimes I want and at the end I’m going to go there and make Hajj. I’ll come back clean, ‘clean’. Shaitan already in the heart. What you’re doing? Shaitan making Hajj with you! You come back with the same shaitan, it means they try to put the outside as a sheep but inside is a wolf, is a werewolf.
Now they have a problem in the UK. Read on every paper, they are gangsters, drug dealers but they eat halal (permissible). Islam became something lost. That’s why we are in a second jahaliya (Time of Ignorance). We know this is a time of jahaliya where everything is coming to it’s end and the police are interviewing that you did all these crimes, ‘but we eat halal.’ What the halal going to do? They’re doing awful crimes and they’re eating halal because it’s just you know something you do, but tazkiyah (purification) and the way of tazkiyah is ‘Ya Rabbi, if I have the money for Hajj, alhamdulillah, I go for Hajj. But Ya Rabbi, at least let me to fix my heart, clean my heart, make it to be somewhat clean, somewhat presentable. Like a guest, I’m going to bring a guest in a clean environment. At that time, ya Rabbi, my heart is clean. I’m trying my best. I have love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and then Labbaik (Here I am, At your service), I want to come with my entire being for the love of your Divinely Presence, love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Then they put the whole logic.
Wudu on the Outside Does Nothing to the Shaitan Inside You
So, people who are denying tazkiyah, they deny all of these realities. We said they take a wudu (ablution) with maybe twenty gallons of water, and wash, wash, wash, and ask – it was a big big shaykh, big alim (scholar), fluent in Arabic. I said, ‘Look, if you did all that wudu, all that washing, what you’re going to do with the shaitan that’s already inside?’ The wudu only wash the water outside. If you have a shaitan crawling on you, you make wudu and he washes him. But if shaitan is inside of you, what that wudu going to do? Nothing!
They have a big shaitan in them and when they make salah, that salah doesn’t rise. When they make du’a (supplication), shaitan cover the du’a because that du’a with dirtiness doesn’t rise with the angels. It doesn’t rise to Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Presence. Says how am I going to accept the du’a? It’s not from you. It’s from shaitan inside of you. So, tazkiyah (purification) comes and says, ‘Oh, shaitan is riding.’ Prophet ﷺ told us, ‘Shaitan is going to come through the blood. He’s moving through the blood.’
عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ، قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَجْرِي مِنْ الْإِنْسَانِ مَجْرَى اَلدَّمِ.” [المَصْدَرْ: صَحِيِحْ مُسْلِمْ ٢١٧٤]
‘An Anasin Qala Rasulallahi ﷺ: “Innash Shaitana yajri minal Insani majra addami.” [Sahih Muslim 2174]
Narrated by ‘An Anas (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Satan circulates/flows through the human being as blood circulates/flow in the body.” [Authentic by Muslim 2174]
Doing Zikrullah Protects the Heart From Shaitan’s Attack
“Dhikrillahi tatma’innul Qulob.” So make tremendous amount of zikr because every time the heart is beating zikr, the blood is moving into the heart. The blood, when you breathe, has to go from your lungs and flow into the heart. If that heart is saying ‘Allah (AJ)!’ It hit that shaitan and push him out.
﴾الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ ﴿٢٨
13:28 – “Alladheena amano wa tatma’innu Qulobu hum bidhikrillahi, ala bi dhikrillahi tatma’innul Qulob.” (Surat Ar-Ra’d)
“Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” (The Thunder, 13:28)
One of these people who call themself a scholar, say ‘Why you have to mention Allah’s (AJ) name so many times? Why you don’t just say one time ‘Allah (AJ)?’ Why you people sit and say Allah (AJ)! Allah (AJ)! Allah (AJ)!’ Because every beat of the heart has to say Allah (AJ), and only by Allah’s (AJ) Ismul Jalalah (the Majestic Name of Allah (AJ)) will carry all the names of Allah (AJ) and it fiercely hits the shaitan. The shaitan is riding on the blood. This is the Hadith of Prophet ﷺ. Shaitan is riding on the blood and is moving into the heart trying to get in and attack the heart.
We Must Continuously Perform Practices to Fight the Shaitan Inside
If that heart is in zikrullah (remembrance of Allah (AJ)), it means every breath, every consciousness, it hits that shaitan and throws him out. So why you have to pray all the time? Cause that same imam (leader), why you have to pray all the time? Why don’t you pray one time – it’s good enough all the way to the end of your life? Why you have to wash all the time? Why do you have to do everything continuous? Of course, you have to make zikr all the time. You don’t mention Allah’s (AJ) name once and it’s finished. That logic then would do the same for the salah (daily prayer), ‘Oh Shaykh, I prayed once in this year. That was enough for me. I fasted only once in my lifetime that’s enough for me.’ It’s not about once. It’s about continuously fighting the self, fighting the bad desires, fighting shaitan that is already inside.
The Greatest Battle to Fight is Against Yourself
When I know shaitan is inside, then Prophet ﷺ is emphasizing that’s why I told them only use a cup (for wudu) because the real work, the real big jihad is the fight inside. The fight outside, it only required a cup of water. The fight inside, He ﷺ told the companions alayhis salatu salaam that this is the greatest fight. All the battles we fought together is not in comparison to the fight you’re going to have inside you.
عَنْ جَابِرُ قَالَ قَدِمَ عَلَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) قَوْمٌ غَزَاةٌ، فقَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: ” قَدِمْتُمْ خَيْرَ مَقْدَمٍ مِنْ الْجِهَادِ الْأَصْغَرْ إِلَى الْجِهَادِ الْأكْبَرْ.” قِيْلَ وَمَا اَلْجِهَادِ الْأكْبَرْ؟ قَالَ: ” مُجَاهَدَةُ الْعَبْدِ هَوَاهُ “.
“An Jabiru qala, ‘qadema ‘ala Rasulullahi (saws) qawmun ghazatun, faqalan Nabiyu Sallallahu Alayhi was Salaam: ” Qademtum khaira maqdamin min jihadil Asghar ilal Jihadil Akbar.” Qeela “wa ma al Jihadil Akbar?” Qala “Mujahidatul ‘Abdi hawahu.”
Jabir (as) narrated: ‘Some warriors came to the Holy Prophet. He (Muhammad (s) said to them, “Welcome back, you came from minor Jihad/Struggle to the greater Struggle.”
It was asked, ‘what is the greater/big struggle Oh Prophet of Allah?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied: “it is the servant’s fight against his own Self/mundane wills/desires.” (Bayhaqi Kitab ul Zuhd-al-Kabir)
Electrons Make Tawaf Around the Nucleus of an Atom
So, it wasn’t about that. Then Allah (AJ) inspire again that when you look and the people of Ahle Tafakkur (People of Contemplation) begin to contemplate and contemplate, then Allah (AJ) inspire within them that everybody is in submission and I made every one of their atoms. Every one of their atoms is in submission. The nucleus of their atom is My Izzah and all their electrons are making tawaf. Those electrons are making zikr of Allah (AJ). All those electrons are making zikr of Allah (AJ) in one cell.
(Shaykh points to the board) This is a picture of just one cell of atom. That your one cell, it’s nucleus, has Izzatullah. That nucleus actually is Baitul Mamur, the real Ka’bah. This is an imitated Ka’bah (Shaykh points to the picture of Ka’bah) that is an imitation of the paradise realities.
We are Holograms Consisting of Spinning Atoms of Love
The izzah of this nucleus, it’s so powerful that all your electrons are making tawaf. Anyone who studied just a little bit of science, those electrons are in so much love with the nucleus that the whole movement is based on ishq (love). When they describe that this creation is created from love, every electron is in love with this light coming from the Divinely Presence. As a result, it’s moving towards that center. If Allah (AJ) doesn’t give it a permission, it begins to spin. It spins so fast that it begins to now levitate and we’re a hologram. We’re an image of a hologram based on this reality, based on everything spinning for the love of Allah (AJ).
We pray that Allah (AJ) open more understanding, from our atoms making Hajj, from our heart making Hajj, from the earth making Hajj, from coming through our mother’s womb as a Hajji and then making our Hajj in Hijaz, is everywhere are the signs of Allah (AJ).
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: 4 March 2017
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