Why Some Sufi Students Go Crazy in Tariqas? Snake Demons from their Grave Coming Out Ahead of Time!
Talk Chapters :
00:00 Realties of the 11th holy month of Dhul Qi’dah
01:34 The wisdom of poverty in the way of Allah (AJ) to be granted more
05:14 Avoid becoming tainted by staying in state of learning, not thinking you’re giving
05:51 How the religious propagation is geared differently for the western audience vs Muslim countries
11:00 Prophet sws has a tongue and a way to bring everyone towards Islam
13:31 Travelling and seeing the different people perfects one’s way of religious propagation
14:58 Please make comments and put video summaries in the videos
Q&A Chapters :
15:49 Is keeping your word a part of being a siddiq (truthful)?
23:11 What’s the reality of the drop of qudra (power) given to the 9 Sultanul Awliya (King of Saints) zikr they breathe entire secret of Holy Qur’an?
26:13 What one should visualize in salah (daily prayer) being a nuqt (dot)? If we are nothing then who is praying?
27:23 When we have a moment of true love towards our beloved Prophet ﷺ, does shaitan (satan) play more with that person?
32:02 So if the highest zikr (Divine remembrance) is salawat (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) how do we do any other voluntary worship when we could be doing durood instead?
34:00 When to know when to accept humiliation for love of Prophet ﷺ versus stand against something that was wrong?
36:52 I am having more anger which I never knew was inside of me but after entering the tariqah sometimes I feel like I have a jinn (unseen being) inside me, what is that?
41:55 Can we give our spouse who is just starting to listen to your suhbats (discourses) the ta’weez (prayer for protection) as well?
Recorded : 20230527
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