Video Chapters :
00:00 How can you claim to love Prophet ﷺ if the events of Karbala don’t sadden you?
01:44 The household of Prophet ﷺ are the souls within the house of Allah (AJ)
04:56 Those who came against Prophet ﷺ actually came against Allah (AJ)
05:47 Prophet ﷺ warned of coming against his household because you’re coming against him ﷺ
09:01 Allah (AJ) exchanges our temporary dunya (material world) light with akhira’s (hereafter’s) permanent light when we walk the spiritual path
10:59 The dunya light is very fragile which any wind can blow out vs akhira’s light is like electricity
12:47 Make the exchange of your physical light for your eternal light before the time is over and dunya starts collapsing
14:25 The eternal light you’re given in exchange is the Muhammadan light! That light extinguish the lights of punishment
16:16 Imam Hussain (as) carried the Muhammadan Light, so they actually came against Prophet ﷺ in Karbala
19:52 The awliya (saints) also carry the Muhammadan light within them, keep your manners around them
23:01 Beware of backbiting these lovers, it’s like a thousand knives into them
24:03 Those who let their inner Yazid and jealousy overtake them, they don’t see the miracle and begin to attack these Muhammadan lights
25:41 Those guided to tariqahs (spiritual paths) was to make their Islam real because the Muhammadan light emanates within the Shaykhs
28:02 If you’re not sad for Ashura then ask yourself why you don’t love Prophet ﷺ?
Recorded : 20230729
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