Home Youtube Videos Random Cuts & Bruises are “Touches” from Divine? | New Tech are Jinn Favors for Future Dominion?
Q&A Chapters :
00:00 What eternal lessons does Imam Hussain (as) leave for us?
08:07 Was Imam Hussain (as) taken and replaced with a duplicate in Karbala so he could be saved?
10:27 What is the wisdom behind Allah (AJ) bringing together the lineage of jinn (unseen beings) and insan (mankind) together in bloodline of Imam Hussain (as)? Do insan with lineage of jinn have different abilities and or realities than pure insan?
21:33 I’m doing the meditations, doing all the zikrs as mentioned but I feel that I’m accelerating to the negative instead of positive. Do you have any advice?
24:45 You have spoken about the current technology and AI in some of your talks. I’m a researcher, investor trader and also minor in digital assets and cryptos. According to my understanding and research this new transformative technology will revolutionize the world in many facets. Good or bad is according to each individual’s perspective I guess. However trying to make money or profit from this asset class, is it wrong or unethical?
30:34 In reference to Imam Hussain’s (as) great sacrifice, can physical pain be a portal to Prophet’s ﷺ presence for a believer?
33:07 Is everything happening upon earth under the control of the 12 imams (religious leaders), Holy Family of Prophet ﷺ?
Recorded : 20230729
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