Judge Not For You Will Be Judged
@00:15 What to do when you don’t understand the guidance of the shaykh towards a decision you have to take?
@14:08 When a person is given a punishment for a certain time
or certain situation for his or her deeds is there a way to reduce it?
@18:38 When doing muhasabah (self-examination) not sins but how could we show better adab (manners), how reliable is the voice that is advising or does istighfar (seeking forgiveness) suffice?
@25:17 When you realize you’re facing a test and you make your mind to do the right thing but when faced with the actual moment you end up acting with a lot of anger, what should you do?
@28:26 How do one express empathy towards someone he does not like, would it be not considered as hypocrisy?
@31:26 When Shaykh spoke about energy manifesting into insects, what can be said if you get termites in the house?
@34:12 How do we stop ourselves from judging others?
Recorded : 20210529
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