Fasting with the Ears – To Hear Your Higher Consciousness
From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
What We Hear Directly Affects Our Heart
The spiritual paths come and begin to teach the reality of the religious orders and the religious understandings. That by disciplining your physicality and bringing the physicality and the physical desires down, the guides begin to teach us how to bring out the spiritual reality. As much as we listen to the physical ears and take enjoyment from the physical hearing, spiritual hearing can’t open. Then awliya (saints) begin to train that: control what you’re hearing and don’t let unnecessary sounds occupy the ear because it’s going to be a direct affect to the heart.
They begin to teach us in Sufism that everything is based on the heart. Even the physiology of the body has an affect onto the heart. This was from the knowledge of the prophets, then inherited by knowledge of awliyaullah (saints). That’s the inheritance of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Now in science, they know that based on what you hear, aggressive, loud noises can actually cause an agitation into the heart. That they know that certain sounds, when they are beating and the repetition of that sound begins to cause a difficulty within the heart.
Discipline the Physical Hearing to Open Spiritual Hearing
For all the senses, there is also an inner reality. Maybe we are using only the ears from outside, but it doesn’t mean that we are hearing from the soul. They begin to teach us that: if you want spiritual hearing to open, then begin the disciplining of your physical hearing. It means all the bad sounds and all the bad gossips and unnecessary noises, those are all zikrs (Divine remembrance) that are coming into the heart.
If it’s an agitating sound, it has a direct affect into the heart. If it’s nasty, then the soul and body will be accountable for what it is hearing. It will be written on and transcribed into the heart. That the negative and the very vile chanting that people listen to, it’s moving into the heart. It’s not by coincidence that the negative and the evil ego comes up with this because the ego and egoism, shaitan (satan) and all the negativity, it doesn’t want us to reach our reality. It doesn’t want us to reach the goal of our existence here because that’s not its goal. Its goal is to play and enjoy the physical world.
Listening to Bad Sounds Will Darken the Heart
The soul comes from above, comes from the heavens. There’s no up or down. It comes from the heavens and returns to the heavens.
﴾إِنَّا لِلَّـهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ… ﴿١٥٦
2:156 – “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon.” (Surat Al-Baqarah)
“Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.” (The Cow, 2:156)
The ego and bad desires, they stay here. Their only interest is in entertainment and playing. And they know that when the power of the soul comes, they are in trouble and they are going to be burned by the power of the soul. So, at every stop, it says, ‘Listen to this’ and begins to put iPods and music and sounds that will directly darken the heart.
Then the fasting of the ears and the beginning of the practices of, ‘I’m going to listen to spiritual sounds that bring about an enjoyment in my soul that bring about a pleasure and an energy in my soul. And that those other sounds, I will be accountable for.’ They are a chanting from very negative forces that are being chanted upon and trying to darken the soul.
Close the Outer Ear to Hear the Higher Conscience
Each sense has a dual nature. You have the outer ear, the physiology of the self, and you have the inner ear. As soon as you close the outer ear, the inner ear becomes more fine tuned. It means the inner ear begins to hear; not the voices of angels first but the voices of the conscience – the lower conscience locked within us, the higher conscience is in Divinely Presence. And the Divinely lights are telling that conscience, ‘Teach them. He came down to Earth and he forgot what he has promised Me.’ He or she – doesn’t make a difference – it means we have a reality always in Divinely Presence. Only a small part of that light was sent into the physicality. So, then the higher reality is always trying to communicate with the lower reality that’s locked behind the egoism of the body.
As soon as we close each sense because of its dual nature, like the moon, there is a side you see and a side that you don’t. Then they begin to teach: as soon as you close your eyes, then your outer vision stops so that the inner vision of the heart can begin. It means that with every abstinence and every fasting, its reality will be born. But as much as we indulge in it, that reality will never be born.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: Unknown
Complete article: Control the Five Senses to Open the Soul
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