Each Person Has 7 Names That Binds Them Spiritually? | Sufi Meditation Center
Names associate to each of the 7 Heavens or 7 Hells, Truename, True Name, Soul Name
Talk Chapters :
The Reality of the Ka’bah, the souls present inside, and those called to be in the vicinity :
00:00 We’re on an eternal journey and the 12th and last month is Dhul Hajj and its blessings
01:16 Each symbol of movement of Hajj has an eternal reality
01:50 What makes the Ka’bah holy and calls people to it is who occupies it – Prophet ﷺ and 4 categories of whom love him
05:02 124,000 Awliya (saints) are allowed inside the Ka’bah and others souls are called in the vicinity to be dressed
06:16 During Hajj (pilgrimage) Allah (AJ) is dressing Prophet ﷺ and the souls and people are invited to be dressed by that reality
08:27 This is not from the brain. Those who love Prophet ﷺ, his love calls their souls
12:48 Allah’s (AJ) love with in following Prophet ﷺ, those who serve Prophet ﷺ teach his love
13:30 There is no partnership with Allah (AJ) our souls are with Prophet ﷺ
7 Tawafs (circumambulations) to unlock our 7 Realities and the Hadith of Prophet ﷺ :
15:23 Each tawaf Prophet ﷺ completes your 7 realities – 7 names in 7 paradises
15:51 Hadith of Prophet ﷺ are like bullet points, not the whole lecture
17:09 ‘Who knows himself will now his lord’ [Hadith], during tawaf Prophet ﷺ teaches them more of who they are
18:00 The saints teach you to fight your lower self so you can understand what Prophet ﷺ is dressing you with
18:50 Reality of the 2nd tawaf and the reality related to assist in Divinely Praising
19:14 We take the physicality on the journey but the gift is for the soul, for the one who reflects inwards
20:25 Reality of the 3rd tawaf and the reality to assist in your struggle against badness
21:23 If you can’t get your names due to a weak connection, ask Allah (AJ) for their reality
22:16 What governs you is your Rab (Lord) – from the lower to those in the higher dimensions
24:16 While watching those performing tawaf, meditate, do the etiquette and ask for your names
Safa and Marwah, 7 Springs and the Kawthar (The Fountain of Abundance) and the Reality of Sayyidina Ismail (as) :
25:27 The reality of Safar and Marwah, the 7 Springs and the opening of the Kawthar
28:35 like Sayyidina Hagar (as) our life is about going back and forth – struggling. Victory is for Allah (AJ)
29:33 Sayyidina Ismail’s (as) immense Muhammadan reality, Allah (AJ) is making everyone to make tawaf around his holy presence
31:36 The Kawthari Shaykhs and the Qutub ul Irshad who disperses realities to those who accept and those yet to believe
34:04 This doesn’t require expensive tickets but a heart with love
Recorded : 20220707
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