54-Allah Opens The Gates of Heaven With Waters of Mercy
This Article Has Been Translated
From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi
A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen was-salaatu was-salaamu alaa ashrafal mursaleen Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad al-Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Alhamdulillah, ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, Ya Rabbil ‘aalameen. Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen, that Allah (AJ) grant us His Oceans of Forgiveness and that I’m the first to recognize that I know nothing, Ya Rabbi. And that we’re asking to be dressed from Your Oceans of Rahmah and Mercy.
﴾ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٢
1:2 – “Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen” (Surat Al-Fatiha)
“Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds” (The Opener)
And that not claiming to be anything and enter into Allah’s (AJ) endless Oceans of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Allah (AJ) is Eternally Dressing Nurul Muhammadi ﷺ
Alhamdulillah, a reminder always for myself in this holy month of Rabbi’ul Thani, that is opening next month inshaAllah. Next week is the holy month of Rajab with all Subhana man huwal Khaliq anNur from the tajallis (manifestations) that Allah (AJ) is eternally dressing Nurul Muhammadi ﷺ (Light of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).
سُبْحَانَ مَنْ هُوَ الْخَالِقَ النُّورْ
“Subhana man huwal Khaliq anNur”
“Glory to Him who is the Creator, the Light”
And these are the ships that are traversing the oceans of reality, fulkil mashhoon. That they are loaded ships – loaded with lights and energies and realities that are traversing the oceans of Prophet ﷺ, of ma’rifah (Gnosticism) and of the ‘arifeen (knowers). And Prophet ﷺ being the sun of all reality and all knowledges, S-U-N.
﴾وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمْ أَنَّا حَمَلْنَا ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ فِي الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ ﴿٤١
36:41 – “Wa ayatul lahum anna hamalna dhurriyyatahum fil fulkil mashhooni.” (Surat YaSeen)
“And a sign for them is that we have carried their atoms/forefathers in the loaded ship.” (YaSeen, 36:41)
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Sun and Companions are the Stars
It means that najm (star) and that light, that even Prophet’s ﷺ humility – Mawlana Shaykh (Q), we were just watching again they posted a beautiful video from Sultan al-Awliya (Q) – reminding that Prophet’s ﷺ infinite humility to say that, ‘My Companions any of them that you follow they are like stars on a dark night, najm (star).’
أَصْحَابِيْ كَالنُّجُـــومْ بِأَيْهِمْ اَقْتَدَيْتِمْ اَهْتَدَيْتِمْ
“Ashabi kan Nujoom, bi ayyihim aqta daytum ahta daytum.”
“My companions are like stars. Follow any one of them and you will be guided.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
If Prophet ﷺ is saying the Companions are stars, imagine what Prophet ﷺ is! For us to understand that he is the sun of the entire universe, the source in which Allah’s (AJ) sending these lights sending these blessings sending every reality through the light and from the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And they are ships that are traversing those oceans of reality.
Sayyidina Nuh (as) Came Under Extreme Testing
And before this month finishes we wanted to finalize the understanding from Surat al-Qamar. That moving into that ocean; and this section that we’ll be talking about of Surat al-Qamar is the 54th surah and verse 10 and 11, inshaAllah.
﴾فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِرْ ﴿١٠﴾ فَفَتَحْنَا أَبْوَابَ السَّمَاءِ بِمَاءٍ مُّنْهَمِرٍ ﴿١١
54:10-11 – “Fada Aa rabba hu annee Maghloobun Faintasir. (10) Fa fatahna abwaba al sama bi ma in munhamirin. (11) (Surat Al- Qamar)
“Then he called on his Lord: ‘I am one Overpowered/overcome: Please then help (me)! (10) So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth. (11)” (The Moon, 54:10-11)
That on that 10th ayah (verse) Allah (AJ) said, ‘And then they called unto their Lord that I am overcome and when will Your Help to reach me?’ This was in reference to Sayyidina Nuh (as) being under extreme testing and difficulty and praying to Allah (AJ) that, ‘I’m overcome, the testing is severe, the difficulties are severe, the amount of negativity is attacking.’ And this is an understanding for the body and for the soul. And Allah’s (AJ) reply was, ‘And so We opened the gates of the heaven, and with water pouring forth,’ which means that from everything there is a mani, an understanding and a reality.
Dunya Won’t Let You Build Your Reality
And Allah’s (AJ) Oceans of Infinite and Timelessness. That what Allah (AJ) wants us to know, what Prophet ﷺ wants us to know from “Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum” that Sayyidina Nuh (as) is teaching that there’s a timeless reality. That, ‘I’m given a ship to make and it has a purpose that Allah (AJ) wants it to serve and I’m under attack.’
﴾أَطِيعُواللَّه وَأَطِيعُوٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ… ﴿٥٩…
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)
They’re not letting, this dunya (material world) won’t let you to build your ship, this dunya won’t let you to build your reality and just sit by. Shaitan’s (satan) job is to make sure your ship doesn’t float; that you don’t reach the reality that you don’t reach what Allah (AJ) wants you to reach.
And Allah (AJ) described that, ‘We answered his call and We opened the baab – the gates of the heavens – and We poured water upon him.’ And the oceans were flying from the sky upon that reality. There must be a timeless reality, there must be a reality that’s relevant to us now.
1. Muharram, Surah at-Tawbah (9×1=9) – Enter Through the Baab at-Tawbah
And awliya (saints) come and inspire within our heart that as this ship is traversing, we said this is al-Baab at-Tawbah (door of repentance) and there’s a baab (door) in Madinatul Munawwara (luminous city of Prophet ﷺ) through Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) it’s called Baab at-Tawbah. This is from the Naqshbandi realities of the ‘arifeen (knowers) to approach Prophet ﷺ.
This Baab at Tawbah is the 9th surah (chapter). That, come through Surat at-Tawbah, make a repentance that, ‘Ya Rabbi I’m coming to sacrifice my body. Bring out the reality of my soul, let all my badness to go.’ It’s going to be then a cleaning process.
2. Safar, Surah al-Kahf (9×2=18) – Enter Into the Cave
Then the 18th surah, ‘Enter into the cave, run from shaitan and move towards Rahman. Perchance We’ll shower you from Our Mercy.’ Allah’s (AJ) Rahmah is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
﴾وَإِذِ اعْتَزَلْتُمُوهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ إِلَّا اللَّـهَ فَأْوُوا إِلَى الْكَهْفِ يَنشُرْ لَكُمْ رَبُّكُم مِّن رَّحْمَتِهِ وَيُهَيِّئْ لَكُم مِّنْ أَمْرِكُم مِّرْفَقًا ﴿١٦
18:16 – “Wa idhi’ tazaltumo hum wa ma ya’budoona illAllaha fawoo ilal kahfi yanshur lakum rabbukum mir rahmatihi wa yuhayyi lakum min amrikum mirfaqa.” (Surat Al-Kahf)
“When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourselves to the Cave: Your Lord will shower His mercies on you and disposes of your affair towards comfort and ease.” (The Cave, 18:16)
3. Rabi’ul Awwal, Surah an-Naml (9×3=27) – Allah (AJ) Gave a Drop of Muhamamdan Kingdom to Prophet Sulaiman (as)
Then 27, open the mulk (earthly realm) where Allah (AJ) wants to describe, ‘Imagine the kingdom I’ve given to this reality.’ If you think Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) could talk to everything – the birds, the ants, the trees, the wind. He had command over everything, the jinn (unseen beings), the ifrit (powerful demons), the shayateen (devils) and the malaika (angels).
﴾وَوَرِثَ سُلَيْمَانُ دَاوُودَ ۖ وَقَالَ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ عُلِّمْنَا مَنطِقَ الطَّيْرِ وَأُوتِينَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَهُوَ الْفَضْلُ الْمُبِينُ ﴿١٦﴾ وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ ﴿١٧
27:16-17 – “Wa warisa Sulaimaanu Daawooda wa qaala yaaa aiyuhan naasu ‘ullimnaa mantiqat tairi wa ooteenaa min kulli shai’in inna haazaa lahuwal fadlul Mubeen (16) Wa hushira Sulaimaana junooduhoo minal jinni wal insi wattairi fahum yooza’oon.” (Surah An-Naml)
“And Solomon was David’s heir. He said: “O ye people! We have been taught the speech of birds, and on us has been bestowed (a little) of all things: this is indeed Grace manifest (from Allah.)” (16). And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts,- of Jinns and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks.” (The Ant, 27:16-17)
What do you think Allah (AJ) gave to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ? Because of Prophet’s ﷺ humility that, ‘My Companions are like stars.’ He wanted this reality to be known through Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) but he’s not even a drop of what Allah (AJ) gave of the “mulkus samaawaati wal ard“ to His beloved Rasul Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
﴾وَلِلَّـهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۗ وَاللَّـهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿١٨٩
3:189 – “Wa lillaahi mulkus samaawaati wal ard; wallaahu ‘alaa kulli shai’in Qadeer.” (Surah Al-Imran)
“To Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and Allah hath power over all things.” (Family of Imran, 3:189)
But Prophet’s ﷺ humility is, ‘Don’t show it, don’t talk about it!’ It will be known for anybody who makes tafakkur (contemplation) and reads Qur’an, you’ll know it. The People of the Door know it. The people of understanding know it. The people of tafakkur know it.
﴾إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لَآيَاتٍ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ ﴿١٩٠
3:190 – “Inna fee khalqis Samawati wal ardi wakhtilafil layli wan nahari, la ayatin li Olel albab. (190) (Surat Ali-Imran)
“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those People of understanding (People of the Door of Knowledge). (190) (Family of Imran, 3:190)
Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is the Mirror of Allah’s (AJ) Realities
Then the next surah from 27 is 36, Surat YaSeen ﷺ. It means now Allah (AJ) is defining that, ‘Yes, it is the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.’ And then the reality of Surat YaSeen, “Salamun qawlam mir Rabbir Raheem.”
﴾سَلَامٌ قَوْلًا مِّن رَّبٍّ رَّحِيمٍ ﴿٥٨
36:58 – “Salamun qawlam mir Rabbir Raheem.” (Surat YaSeen)
“Peace,” a word from a Merciful Lord. (YaSeen, 36:58)
That you need the salaams (peace) from that sifat ar-Raheem (attribute of the Most Merciful). That, every sifat (attribute) is like a description of Allah (AJ) best known through Prophet ﷺ, because must dress creation. And the best of every attribute dresses most perfectly Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
You want to know Kareem, you have to look to Prophet ﷺ. How was Prophet ﷺ Kareem? Generous in paradise. How was Prophet ﷺ compassionate? Allah (AJ) has to give us a humanly example, ‘From My Divinely Attributes you won’t know compassion unless I khuluqin ‘azheem (magnificent character), I send you to one who had magnificent character. He is My mirror of realities.’
﴾وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ ﴿٤
68:4 – “Wa innaka la’ala khuluqin ‘azheem.” (Surat Al-Qalam)
“Truly, You (O Muhammad!) are of a magnificent character.” (The Pen, 68:4)
Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ Exemplifies True Realities
You want to know compassion, study the life of Prophet ﷺ from Muslims, not from non-Muslims. You want to know all of these realities of generosity, of love; it means all exemplified in the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So if you want “Salamun qawlam mir Rabbir Raheem” (Holy Qur’an, 36:58), you want salaams from the one who’s mastering sifat ar-Raheem, it means it must be from Prophet ﷺ, the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Be on a Path of the Moon and Follow the Sun
And all the way to now, the qamar (moon), where the qamar is dressing us. That, Allah (AJ) is clarifying that you must be on a path of the moon. And the moon’s only focus is on the sun. Their job is to focus on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and never try to take their face away from that reality. Don’t let anything, Allah (AJ) describes these rijalullah (men of God) wa ibadullah (devoted servants of Allah (AJ)) that neither business nor trade diverts them from that reality, but they were both businessmen and traders.
﴾رِجَالٌ لَّا تُلْهِيهِمْ تِجَارَةٌ وَلَا بَيْعٌ عَن ذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ وَإِقَامِ الصَّلَاةِ وَإِيتَاءِ الزَّكَاةِ ﴿٣٧
24:37 – “Rijalun la tulheehim tijaratun wa la bay’un ‘an Dhikrillahi wa iqamis Salati wa eetayiz Zakati, yakhafona yawman tataqallabu feehi alqulobu wal absar.” (Surat An-Nur)
“By men of God (Rijalullah) whom neither business/commerce nor sale distracts (them) from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of regular Charity. Their (only) fear is for a Day in which the hearts and eyes will be transformed/turn about (in a world wholly new).” (The Light, 24:37)
So, it means they put everything in its place and their face was always to the face of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and they were the complete Ahlus Sunnah (people of Prophetic traditions) and Ahle Muhammad ﷺ. That everything that Prophet ﷺ brought for them, they tried their best to keep it, nearly 100%.
And in the last days they say we only keep 10% of what Prophet ﷺ brought for us. People even debate whether to have a hat or a turban. But then how can you be from Ahlus Sunnah and have no sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ)? It means everything has a reality and a secret within it. And the qamar (moon) is teaching us that come this way, Allah (AJ) is going to wash and take away these difficulties.
When Overcome With Difficulty Pray to Allah (AJ)
And Sayyidina Nuh (as) gives us an example that you have to keep praying to Allah (AJ), ‘Ya Rabbi, I’m overcome with negativity, I’m overcome by difficulty, that everything negative is attracted towards me to stop me from my path, stop me from my way, stop me from Your satisfaction.’ Don’t sit and be comfortable to be slaughtered.
Don’t sit and wait for the slaughtering. The slaughtering is an analogy in the spiritual, that you sit and just let everything fall apart, don’t do anything towards Allah (AJ), don’t do anything towards Prophet ﷺ, as if you are person lying on the tracks waiting for the train to attack you, to destroy you, and to take you in a state of disbelief from this world.
Struggle to Keep Your Faith
And they teach, ‘No, you have to struggle!’ You have to struggle to keep your faith. You have to struggle to keep your way. When everything comes and tells you it’s not popular, say, ‘No! I have to wear my turban. It’s not popular, I have to put my beard. I am a Muhammadan. I want everyone to know I’m a Muhammadan and I want to die as a Muhammadan, and I want the angels to greet me as a Muhammadan.’ It means everything is a struggle, no doubt!
Strive to Attend Every Association – Every Zikr Has a New Tajalli
Even coming to the majlis (gathering) of zikr (Divine remembrance) is going to be a struggle. There’s an immense energy and just to leave your home to get to that energy, every type of difficulty is going to come. Every type of difficulty is going to come. And Mawlana Shaykh’s (Q) teaching was always for us that struggle through it, fight through that difficulty. Even if you are nauseous and throwing up, try to throw up, wash your face and go to the zikr. Because there must be something there that Allah (AJ) wants to dress you from.
Every zikr has its different reality because think of Allah (AJ). Allah (AJ) says, ‘At every moment I have a new tajalli (manifestation).’ There’s no repeated. Allah’s (AJ) not poor, astaghfirullah, we are poor. Allah’s (AJ) rich! Every moment is a new tajalli, is a new color, is a new emanation, is a new darajah (spiritual rank). Not anything similar to the darajah before. And every malaika that comes with a new salawat (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and never repeating an old salawat on Prophet ﷺ. It means everything from Allah (AJ), when we say “Allahu Akbar“ Allah’s (AJ) Great, is beyond our greatness.
With Difficulty Comes Oceans of Mercy
And what we are missing, and what shaitan wants us to miss, is that tajalli. So, it means everything in our life is to struggle for that. So then that 10th ayah (verse) is telling us that Ya Rabbi, and keep asking, astajibu, ‘Ya Rabbi, I’m overcome with difficulty. I’m overcome by negativity and even these fuluk and these ships, they’re filled with all sorts of difficulty. Because of all the occupants within them; all that accompany them, even their burdens are thrown onto them.’
﴾فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِرْ ﴿١٠
54:10 – “Fada Aa rabba hu annee Maghloobun Faintasir.” (10) (Surat Al- Qamar)
“Then he called on his Lord: ‘I am one Overpowered/overcome: Please then help (me)! (10)” (The Moon, 54:10)
And Allah (AJ) says, ‘Don’t worry, there’s relief. I’m going to open in this holy month the skies, My sama; I’m going to open My sama and pour upon you an ocean of rains.’
﴾فَفَتَحْنَا أَبْوَابَ السَّمَاءِ بِمَاءٍ مُّنْهَمِرٍ ﴿١١
54:11 – Fa fatahna abwaba al sama bi ma in munhamirin. (11) (Surat Al- Qamar)
So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth. (11)” (The Moon, 54:10-11)
“Allahumma sqinal qhaytha suqya rahmatin wa la taj’alna minal qanitin.” Ya Rabbi, dress us and rain upon us from Your Rahmah from Your Mercy and from Your Barakah, from Your Blessings.
أَللَّهُمَّ اسْقِنَا الْغَيْثَ سُقْيَا رَحْمَةً وَّلاَ تَجْعَلْنَا مِنَ الْقَانِطِيْنَ
“Allahumma sqinal qhaytha suqya rahmatin wa la taj’alna minal qanitin.”
“O Allah! Make us drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of those who despair.“
Time is an Imitated Existence
It means there is a flood that came physical, but you have to know also the spiritual. We are of a two-winged reality. There are people even teaching on the internet, eschatology, akhir zaman (end of time). If you don’t put akhir zaman with its spiritual context, you are incorrect in your understanding. Because Allah (AJ) has no time. When you’re looking for an event, “shaqqal qamar,” where Allah (AJ) says, ‘The clock appeared and the moon split,’ that wasn’t only in the time of Prophet ﷺ but there must be a spiritual understanding.
﴾اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ ﴿١
54:1 – “Iqtarabatis Saa’atu wan shaqqal qamar” (Surat Al-Qamar)
“The Hour (of Judgment) is near, and the moon has split [in two].” (The Moon, 54:1)
And Allah (AJ) says, ‘When time becomes so significant and the moon being the people of guidance, are all split,’ now all the people of guidance are split. They had a Sunni conference to come against Wahabis; they sat on the stage and attacked each other. Very good, bravo! That’s all that we need; that’s all that makes shaitan happy.
This is that time, where all you see are clocks because people are preoccupied with their time as if the time means something to them. This is an imitated created existence. That time means nothing; even you have to make tawwaf (circumambulation) now and look at Big Ben. You’re supposed to be in a state in which there’s no time. You are with Allah (AJ). But they want to put a clock. Everywhere we go for salah (prayer) they put the clock in the front. As you’re praying, you’re looking, ‘Okay about 2 minutes [Shaykh makes snoring sound]. Allahu Akbar [Shaykh recites Surah Fatiha], okay bye, bye, bye got to go.’ That is the time that Allah (AJ) is talking about.
Build Your Ship, Build Your Soul
So it means every reality has its physical, its spiritual understanding. Then we become balanced that what Allah (AJ) wants us from the spiritual and the physical. When we talk about Sayyidina Nuh (as), he’s talking, ‘Okay I have a ship, you have a ship, use your soul!’ Your soul knows how to go back to Allah (AJ), how to go back to the presence and the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Shaitan is going to block it, send fire upon it, send difficulty upon it and stop everything related to the soul until our life becomes just based on physicality. And this is their warning for us, is that reach to your realities, understand that there is a struggle against your physicality. Build your soul – do the practices necessary and keep praying to Allah (AJ) that He dress us from these lights.
Holy Month of Rajab – Plant the Seeds of Realities Through Seclusion
Ya Rabbi, in this holy month wash us from these rains, these rahmah. Prepare us for what month is coming next is the holy month of Rajab. The holy month in which awliyaullah make seclusion, and they take the practices of isolating themselves because there are going to be lights being dressed. These are in which you plant the seeds of realities and you take its fruits in Ramadan.
That the holy month of Rajab comes and Allah’s (AJ) giving that, ‘Rajab is from Me, which means I’m going to give you gifts that has nothing to do with the angels to know and none of the Prophets (as) to know. I’m giving these directly to you.’
Awliyaullah Teach Us to Discipline the Body
Sit in this month and fast because it’s the highest way to receive Allah’s (AJ) gifts. Make a diet that excludes meat; and there’s a lentil diet in which brings a softness to the heart and shows us the importance in our life of food. Right now, we live to eat. We are excited about what’s going to be for lunch and our whole day is based on getting that lunch. Our whole day based on getting our dinner and if the dinner doesn’t come the way we like it the whole day is ruined.
We’re a creature now that lives to eat, not eat to live. Awliyaullah and pious people, they would eat to live. They take their little bowl and eat what they need and they survived for their worshipness. Any time in Rajab we take a diet of lentils for 40 days, at about 15 days you realize the importance of food and you’re going crazy.
How to eat the same thing all the time and come against all the body’s desires that, ‘I want this, I want that, I want all these different flavors,’ and you have to abstain and say no. Those are again, these are the disciplines to put upon the body for those who want to experience that reality.
Don’t Lose Your Faith and Enter into Realities of Rajab
All of that Sayyidina Nuh (as) was teaching for us that, as all these difficulties are coming and these fires being put upon you to lose your faith, don’t lose your faith. And keep asking for Allah (AJ) to dress you and bless you in this holy month to wash you with these oceans and these rivers to be put upon you to prepare you for the holy month of Rajab.
And enter into the realities of Rajab; and its ending of the surah is about a king, an omnipotent, take you to the presence of the omnipotent king.
Shayateen are Everywhere and They Don’t Die
Then the first thing to ask somebody is that, ‘What do you think that shaitan has of power?’ Because they only understand through negativity and not through positivity. As soon as you try to talk to about Prophet ﷺ being present, hadhir-o-nadhir, means being present and being everywhere. And they don’t understand and they say, ‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’
I say, ‘Okay, let’s start with the negative,’ because people understand the negative more. Where is shaitan? They say, ‘He is everywhere’. Shaitans don’t die, they don’t have an existence in which they die. As soon as they die they come right back to life; and shaitan is everywhere. Nobody doubts that there are not shaitans everywhere and Allah (AJ) says, ‘We put a shaitan on everyone to test them.’
Allah (AJ), His Rasul ﷺ, and Mumineen are More Powerful Than Shaitan
So shaitan is everywhere and shaitan doesn’t die. With what izzah (honor) shaitan is working with? With what power shaitan is working with? Allah (AJ) says, ‘Bi Izzatullahi wa rasuli wal-mumineen.’ Shaitan takes from Izzatullah (Allah’s (AJ) Might and Magnificence), izzatur Rasul (honor of the Messenger) wa izzatul mumineen (honor of the belivers). If shaitan is taking from their power, then who’s more powerful? Allah (AJ), His Rasul ﷺ and the mumineen (believers) – they have Allah’s (AJ) Izzah. They have Allah’s (AJ) direct Power; shaitan only borrows from that energy.
﴾وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ﴿٨ …
63:8 – “…Wa Lillahil ‘izzatu wa li Rasooli hi wa lil Mumineen…” (Surat Al-Munafiqoon)
“…And to Allah belongs [all] honor, and to His messenger, and to the believers…” (The Hypocrites, 63:8)
Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ Light Accompanies Us and Burns Shaitan
So it means the greatness of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ cannot be comprehended, cannot be understood, in which what Allah (AJ) gave to the light of Prophet ﷺ. And that, that light is present everywhere. That, that blessing is present everywhere. And that we’re asking to be dressed by that light, blessed by that light, to accompany that light.
That, the only one who can come against shaitan is that the izzatur Rasul ﷺ. By making the durood sharif (praisings on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), by loving Prophet ﷺ more than we love ourselves that light and ruhaniyat (spirituality) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ begins to accompany us. If that light accompanies us, it begins to burn away the shayateen; they can’t take that light.
Laylatul Raghaib – Prophet ﷺ Was Sent as a Mercy to All Creation
We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us from these realities and prepare us. Next Friday night, inshaAllah, I think is opening of Rajab and Laylatul Raghaib. I don’t know if they’re going to call it for that night. If Rajab starts Saturday, Laylatul Raghaib will be next Friday. But we see what Mawlana Shaykh (Q) is saying. But prepare ourselves for the holy month of Rajab, the holy night of Raghaib in which the light of Prophet ﷺ was transferred from his holy father to his holy mother.
That is a night in which Allah (AJ) grants all du’as (supplications) for the sake of that light and for the sake of the coming of His Most Beloved, “Wa maa arsalnaka illa Rahmatal lil’alameen.” That is huge; Allah (AJ) says, ‘I wouldn’t have sent that, transferred that light, that blessing, except that it is and he (alayhis salaatus salaam) is a rahmah from all and rahmah for all of creation, all universes, all of Allah’s (AJ) creations.’
﴾وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ ﴿١٠٧
21:107 – “Wa maa arsalnaka illa Rahmatal lil’alameen.” (Surat Al-Anbiya)
“And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad (pbuh)], except as a mercy to the worlds/creation.” (The Prophets, 21:107)
We pray that Allah (AJ) give us life to see that night and to see that month and to be dressed by, blessed by it. We have wazifas (spiritual practices) and awrads (daily practices) for that month. So, inshaAllah, anybody who needs them we can send them by PDF and by email. InshaAllah.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi sirri surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: April 4, 2016
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