Home Youtube Videos Importance of a Guide and Needing Guidance (Videos) You’ll See Miracles When Wearing Turban or Hijab and Dressing Sunnah Attire | Sufi Meditation Center
Q&A Chapters :
00:00 How can we ease the difficulty of the ones who have passed away?
04:02 How should we dispose of scary drawings we made in the past?
05:50 What’s it means if we see a black human shadow in the middle of the night?
07:07 If we’re doing all the practices and still struggling against a powerful demonic force, how can we have victory over it?
10:42 How tell if your magnetic energy is getting stronger?
11:37 What is the importance of Salatul Wudu (Prayer of Ablution)?
13:27 Is trading in Digital art, NFTs, crypto permissible or is promoting gambling falsehood? What if it’s our career path?
15:48 What does the spiritual eye see when the heart is opened?
17:45 What should we do with old books and other items from our previous practices?
18:22 How do we help our Muslim brothers and sisters who are following the new age ways of becoming life coaches and promoting self-help type understandings?
20:01 How can we wear the Sufi green turban in western countries? Should we wear it in our daily routine in public?
21:38 Should we be doing anything for the environment?
25:32 Can women wear hats instead of hijab in the west?
30:38 What else can a person do who is lazy in worshipness?
Related Links :
?Want to be of service, need guidance or a prayer request? Email us at : [email protected]
?Charity is a means to take away coming calamities, sickness from our sustenance, and to purify bad character. Give today and release your burdens : Fzhh.org!
?Visit our website to learn more about the topic of wudu : https://www.nurmuhammad.com/?s=wudu
⚡ Powerful Ta’weez for immense protection for yourself, home, and car : https://smcmerch.com/collections/taweez-spirital-energy
Recorded : 20220114
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