Urdu – "Where the world of form is constantly separated, one glass and one glass a…
"Where the world of form is constantly separated, one glass and one glass are two glasses. So by coming to the door of the form, to see Prophet ﷺ in form, and to keep yourself in the world of form, you are two. That will become much harder to enter into the reality. So why they (saints) don’t focus on that reality is, that Prophet ﷺ said, “Don’t focus on my form, don’t worry about that. That is not going to get you where you want to go.” We have to be careful with the words because we are talking about the Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ . “Where you want to get to is to my heart. Don’t worry about the physicality, worry about my spirituality.”
(Sh. Nurjan Mirahmadi Naqshbandi Q)
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz4R3SDiTDM&feature=youtu.be
Read More: https://nurmuhammad.com/i-want-to-see-sayyidina-muhamm…/