Home Youtube Videos Lataif of The Heart, Levels of The Heart (Videos) Tuning Your Spiritual Frequency To Gateways Of Higher Realms or Dimensions | Sufi Meditation Center
Talk Chapters :
00:00 On the path of spirituality the heart awakens and is sensitive to energies
01:21 Most people’s hearts on earth are dead
01:59 When the heart becomes sensitive it starts to pick up vibrations necessary – ‘Haal’ and ‘Faiz’
03:25 The fine-tuning of the heart and the communication it begins to picks up
05:17 Naqshbandiya’s specific system of meditation and how Allah’s (AJ) servants program it
07:00 Reality of the Uwaysi Connection from the inheritance of Mawlana Shah Naqshband (Q)
08:20 Distant learning on Earth is a sign of the Uwaysi system in the heavenly world
12:07 Earthly requires you to be tech savvy, so does spirituality require a savviness and to how to connect/log on
12:50 Reality of ‘Faiz -Transmission of knowledge and energy’ and ‘Haal – audio visual files’ which come through when connected/logged on
14:09 The energy being sent = Angels. Knowledge is a by-product of abundant angels/energy
16:35 Learn to process the energy coming to you. If it’s too jalali (majestic) then isolate, wash…
19:35 The shaykh is continuously in a new tajalli (manifestation)
20:10 ‘Ecstatic utterances’ are an inability to process energy and not allowed in Naqshbandiya
22:15 The teachings and disciplines were to prepare for when the energies come
22:45 The Shaykh expresses beatific energies he’s receiving to all souls connected to him
23:46 The Shaykh expresses the vibration through talks, zikrs, bust most powerful is association of salawat (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ)
24:34 Our life was to traverse these 7 stations, but knowledge’s stopped so Hajj became a tourism
25:20 As it took a year to travel to Mecca and Madina in old times, so to are the Shaykhs taking their students each year starting in Muharram
26:15 The system of connecting, fine tuning, processing energy was all essential for these 7 realities to open
27:34 If you want to achieve these realities then apply a discipline, don’t make excuses
28:20 The teachings is like the Shaykh holding you, so when energy comes you can process by good character
29:00 Allah (AJ) doesn’t give you more than you can handle, if you can’t control then progress stops
30:15 Prophet ﷺ is our example, through following his character we gain Allah’s (AJ) love
31:06 How to choose your guide? They should be showing Muhammadan character
31:29 Prophet ﷺ is unique, all others are in degrees of perfection
Recorded : 20220723
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