Home Youtube Videos End Days Armageddon Imam Mahdi - Islamic Eschatology (Videos) There is a Battle For Ears, and the Prize is the Soul | Weaponized Music | Sufi Meditation Center
Video Chapters :
00:00 In the midst of oppression run to the inner cave/the heart for safety!
04:18 That heart must be filled with the love of Allah (AJ) and Prophet ﷺ
05:27 The light of Prophet ﷺ which enters the heart makes all your affairs to be corrected
06:20 The veiling of the ears to move through time and space
08:15 The two caves being made on Earth and why people are going missing!
09:43 The criteria of those guided and those who are not guided to the Cave of Mercy
11:00 Love and good character is being taught so that rahmah enters the hearts of servants
11:25 The saintly guide’s knowledges are coming fresh from the heart of Prophet ﷺ
12:00 Those under guidance are being taught about how to discipline the ears and how they’re being attacked
13:24 Steps and realities of tafakkur – Seal ears, visualise the saintly guide and connect to them
14:47 Then the shaykhs teach you to discipline the ears to attune to them
15:14 How listening to salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) raises and affects the soul
15:47 Sami’ al-Basir. Your hearing determines your spiritual seeing
16:19 Without discipline on your ears you can’t see. Implement what you hear not believe then disbelieve
17:31 Sifat al-Sami’ of Sayyidina YaSeen ﷺ
19:59 The reality of hearing and sound and how it effects your soul
21:33 The reality of light is based on sound. Through sound you can control the light of a soul
22:17 Fight to clean your hearing and attune to the Shaykh’s vibration through listening to his teachings
23:09 When the follow then the light of Prophet ﷺ fills them and makes them Muhammadiyoon
24:18 How Prophet’s ﷺ vibration dresses and raises you through reciting durood (praising on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ)
26:19 Everyone is fighting for the hearing of mankind, keep your hearing only for Allah (AJ) to open spiritual seeing
27:51 Those whom hear and see the reality reach sincerity and immense blessings come upon them
Recorded : 20220915
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