Home Youtube Videos End Days Armageddon Imam Mahdi - Islamic Eschatology (Videos) Story of Golden Calf Foreshadows a Future Apocalyptic Financial Collapse? | Sufi Meditation Center
Q&A Talk Chapters :
00:00 Make comments on the Videos and please Share!
01:26 Is it possible to spiritually experience the buraq (noble mystical horse) or is that only for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ?
12:24 Because a lot of ancient cities are being discovered now, what could it hold for us? A lot of paganism is also at rise, is this all connected?
29:41 What was the means by which Fir’aun (Pharaoh) kept Musa (as) enslaved so that he might power his kingdom with electricity, lightning?
33:02 What is the connection between the moon with silver and gold with sun? Why human use gold to make himself prominent in society? Why any other metal do not carry same value on Earth?
35:28 What is Jabal Qaaf (Mount Qaaf)?
Recorded : 20230107
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