Reflecting on Imam Hussain’s (as) Sacrifice
This Article Has Been Translated
From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.
A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen, was salaatu was salaamu ‘alaa Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Madad ya Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem, Ya Habibul ‘Azeem, unzur halana wa ishfa’lana, ‘abidona bi madadikum wa nazarekum.
“Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum.”
﴾أَطِيعُواللَّه وَأَطِيعُوٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ… ﴿٥٩…
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)
Take Notes to Understand the Heavenly Realities
A reminder for myself, ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and by the grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence. The holy night of Arbaeen and the realities of Imam al-Hussain (as) that come bringing the Muhammadan heart on this Earth. Its immense treasures, immense realities, that this is the oceans of al-hayat (the Ever-living) and the reality of the Heavenly Kingdom. That the gate – that’s why if you take notes it’s much easier to understand because we throw all these different numbers and understandings out. For someone who listens is completely lost but that’s okay because you can watch the video and write it down.
Our Hands are Stamped With Our Destiny – To Serve the One
This Heavenly Kingdom and it’s sultanate and its secret is in the 9 and that represents the King and the Kingdom. The 18 opens the second month and the reality of 18 opens and Allah (AJ) describes that there will be 8 that hold the throne of 1.
وَالْمَلَكُ عَلَىٰ أَرْجَائِهَا ۚ وَيَحْمِلُ عَرْشَ رَبِّكَ فَوْقَهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ ثَمَانِيَةٌ ﴿١٧
69:17 – “Wal Malaku ‘ala arjayeha, wa yahmilu ‘Arsha Rabbika fawqahum yawmaidhin thamaniyatun.” (Surat Haqqah)
“And the angels/ will be on its sides, and eight will, that Day, bear the Throne of thy Lord above them.” (The Reality, 69:17)
In many traditions the importance of eight and one. We are stamped in our right hand with 8 in Arabic and 1 and it’s about the Sultanate – that our life is to serve the One. One is Allah (AJ) and Allah’s (AJ) reflection is the sultanate of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ for there must be a physical creation representing that Sultanate. That Allah (AJ) can never be seen but Allah’s (AJ) signs are everywhere and that Kingdom of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is then we are stamped with it.
Our Life is to Uphold the Sultanate of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
We are asking to be dressed by it. These knowledges are taking us into that Muhammadan Kingdom, into that heart of the Divinely Presence where they’re teaching that the 18 is the ocean of al-hayat. But one and eight in itself it shows plainly that your life is to be from the eight. That its entire life is to uphold and hold the sultanate of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. It means spreading the love, spreading the good character, spreading the best of examples. If it’s the King we love, then spread the good news of that Kingdom. The good character and the good example so that the King’s gaze and nazar and vision to be upon us; rida and satisfaction to be dressed upon us.
The Holy Family Inherits Different Realities Than the Holy Companions
When they searched for the fountain of youth that was at one level of searching. What Imam al-Hussain (as) brought of this reality and it’s dress upon this Earth was the Kawthar (Fountain of abundance), oceans of paradise. That bringing from the inheritance of Ashab an Nabi ﷺ, the holy companions, bringing from the family inheritance of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is what he gives to his family. It’s not comparable to what he gives to his holy companions; each has its own reality. Anyone who accompanies a shaykh knows that the student is one thing and the family is something completely different. No different for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. He has an inheritance for his family members and he has an inheritance for the companions.
Imam Hussain (as) Embodies the Kawthar Reality
Imam al-Hussain (as) brings from this reality and the ocean of that reality to be the symbol of when Allah (AJ) described, “Inna ataina kal kawthar. Fasalli rabbika wan har.”
إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ ﴿١﴾ فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ ﴿٢
108:1-2 – “Inna ‘atayna kal kawthar. (1) Fasali li rabbika wanhar. (2)” (Surat Al-Kawthar)
“To thee (O Muhammad) we have granted the Fount (of Abundance). (1) So pray to your Lord and Sacrifice. (2)” (The Abundance, 108:1-2)
That we have given you this reality of the kawthar. That from you, and your companions, and your Ahlul Bayt, they will be the example and walking Holy Qur’an, “Faslli rabbika.” That they pray unto their Lord and they live a life of sacrifice and their whole lives are an example of the Kawthar.
The Fate of Ahlul Bayt Laid the Foundation for an Immense Ocean of Realities
As a result of the family, and the way in which Imam al-Hussain (as) gave his life, gave the life of his family, put himself into harm’s way, faced his fate no matter what that fate was, and only relying upon Allah (AJ). That if Allah (AJ) wants something to happen I submit to whatever Allah (AJ) wants. If Allah (AJ) doesn’t want it to happen then Allah (AJ) would defend me and whatever Allah (AJ) wanted to happen took place. But as a result of an immense wisdom it laid the foundation of the kawthari realities flowing upon this Earth. That, that became an example of the ocean of Kawthar, the ocean of realities.
That anyone who loves them, respects them, sheds one tear for the story of that sacrifice, Imam al-Hussain (as) begin to intercede for them, guard them, watch them because Prophet’s ﷺ words immensely true that, ‘You’ll be with whom you love.’
“ عَنْ أَنَسٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ: … فَقَالَ (رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ): ” أَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ.
اَلْمَصْدَرْ: مُسْلِمْ:٧٥٢٠
‘An Anasin (ra): … Faqala (Rasulullahi) ﷺ: “Anta ma’a man ahbabta.”
Narrated Anas ibn Malik (ra) that…the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “You will be with whom you love.” [Source: Muslim 7520]
Imam Hussain (as) Exemplifies the Way of Sacrifice and Submission
When you hear the story of these holy souls and how they sacrificed, how they were treated in such a brutal way by the people of their own faith. So then why are people shocked and something happens in their home, or something happens within their community. Then they want to leave and say, ’Oh, I’m just leaving everything. You know, I’m leaving the whole community.’ Why? Imam al-Hussain (as) describes, ‘No, this was my life. I wasn’t hurt by Jewish people, I wasn’t hurt by Christian people, I was hurt only by my own people and I persevered.
It is whatever Allah (AJ) wants because it’s not about victory or who did right and who did wrong. It’s about me submitting to the Will of Allah (AJ).’ So they became walking examples of the Kawthar, “Inna ataina kal kawthar.” It was a vow to Prophet ﷺ that, ‘We gave your nation a kawthar, a katheer, an abundance, beyond anyone’s imagination what they could imagine.’ Why? Because these souls that will be coming – the way in which they submitted – anything they ask from Allah (AJ) is accepted. It means their soul is a fountain of Kawthar on this Earth.
Imam Hussain’s (as) Intercession Flows to Those Who Shed a Tear For Him
If you want to drink from the soul and the reality of a Imam al-Hussain’s (as) light and his kawthar realities, shed a tear for him. Listen to the story, listen to how they sacrificed, listen to how badly they were abused. Then you think to yourself that, ‘Ya Rabbi, oh my gosh, if this happens to me, to my children, and to my loved ones, that have pity upon me, have mercy upon me,’ and it establishes this immense love. That as soon as your tear begins to flow the intercession of Imam al-Hussain (as) beings to flow towards you. That, that tear is a sign that you cried for them, that you showed a love for them because this tear has to come from a heart. When the heart has that type of love and is connecting – they say you can tell a stranger the story of the Imam al-Hussain (as) and they began to cry.
Because injustice is injustice, bad is bad. Doesn’t have to be based on anybody’s background. As soon as they cry they gain the access into the heart and intercession of Imam al-Hussain (as). It then brings that kawthar reality upon this Earth for people to drink from it. How? By loving them, by remembering their example, by coming closer to the Ahlul Bayt. By loving and making the nasheeds (songs of praise) and the praisings, and understanding the holy companions – their struggle, their life, and the way in which they loved and sacrificed themselves for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Remembering the Life of Imam Hussain (as) Draws Us Into the Muhammadan Heart
They all become an example of the kawthar for us. By remembering their lives, they’re drawing us now into the Muhammadan heart. When Nabi Musa (as) was asking for where the two rivers meet, awliyaullah (saints) come and begin to teach that when Imam al-Hussain (as) began to dress us and bless us from the reality he takes us to where the real two rivers of “Qaba qawsayni aw adna.”
فَكَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَىٰ ﴿٩
53:9 – “Fakana qaaba qawsayni aw adna.” (Surat An-Najm)
“And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer [to the Divine Presence].” (The Star, 53:9)
Where the two bow lengths or nearer. Where Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ went for a mi’raj (ascension) into the Divinely Presence and the reality of the soul being uplifted into those oceans of reality, the oceans of lights. By two bow lengths or nearer was in the presence of the Divinely Presence. It means where Muhammadan Rasulullah ﷺ begins to approach the reality of La ilaha illAllah. “Aw adna” means two bow lengths or nearer. Because of the adab (manners) they don’t say it’s one because la sharik (no partner).
The Love of Ahlul Bayt Dresses Us With the Secret of Hu
But when Muhammadan Rasulallah ﷺ and the soul of Prophet ﷺ is on a mi’raj moving into that reality, then La ilaha illAllah and its proximity, the hu is in the middle. The ocean and the reality of hu becomes this ocean and this secret of hu. By the love of the Imam al-Hussain (as), the love of Ahlul Bayt immediately shoot us up into where the two rivers meet. Where the two rivers – where Nabi Musa (as) said where the two rivers meet – they want to meet at that hu and the reality and the dress of that hu to be blessed and to be dressed by those lights.
وَإِذْ قَالَ مُوسَىٰ لِفَتَاهُ لَا أَبْرَحُ حَتَّىٰ أَبْلُغَ مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ أَوْ أَمْضِيَ حُقُبًا ﴿٦٠
18:60 – “Wa idh qala Mosa lefatahu laa abrahu hatta ablugha majma’a albahrayni aw amdiya huquba.” (Surat Al-Kahf)
“Behold, Moses said to his attendant, I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in travel.” (The Cave, 18:60)
Pray and Remember the Sacrifice of all the Prophets
InshaAllah, we pray that Allah (AJ) dress us from their love and bless us from their love. By remembering their sacrifice that they intercede for us and bring us into that ocean of reality that Nabi Musa (as) wanted, that all Prophets (as) wanted. That all creation wants to be dressed from that light and to be dressed from the holy Kawthar. That Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us from the holy Kawthar to take every type of difficulty away and to cut away every type of shaitan (satan) that’s approaching towards us to destroy the belief and to destroy the good character.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: October 8, 2020
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