Preparing for Chaos – Opening of Portals for Demons
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From the Realities of Mawlana (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.
A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen, was salaatu was salaamu ‘alaa Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Madad ya Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem, Ya Habibul ‘Azeem, unzur halana wa ishfa’lana, ‘abidona bi madadikum wa nazarekum.
Warning! Catastrophic Conditions are Coming
InshaAllah, sharing always for myself from Mawlana Shaykh’s (Q) teachings and the way that we have been brought up and share for ourselves. If anyone takes any benefit on this way of realities, in the way of Islam, iman (faith) wal Ihsan (moral excellence). Alhamdulillah, that we get many different notifications from people and they’ve sent out emails and this goes with faith. They sent out emails that high ranking French government officials and US government officials, they put out a press conference and they warned that 500 days until catastrophic weather conditions, weather events. That would put it – from the time that they made that announcement – that would put us at September 23rd, 2015. That is the day of atonement for our cousins; it’s important day for them and Yawmul Arafah (Day of Arafah) for Muslims.
Ahlul Iman See the Signs Through Certainty of the Heart
Now why they came out with that date, why they came out with those numbers, is not for us. But when spiritual shaykhs, spiritual teachers, they constantly warn that from the oceans of iman; iman is an action, is a result of actions. You take certain actions, they verify and validate your iman. So people can’t just say, ‘I have iman,’ but where were the actions?
One important action is to always live a life of preparedness. That, we believe this dunya (material world) is ending. Everything by its nature has a beginning and has an end. And you live a life with the understanding that this dunya is ending. That the days of difficulty are everywhere. And not to worry about saying, ‘It’s 500 years away,’ because Prophet ﷺ was teaching Companions, ‘It’s tomorrow.’ Then anything that Prophet ﷺ spoke to the Holy Companions, they had such a yaqeen a certainty in their heart that they saw it. When Prophet ﷺ mentioned qiyamah (resurrection) and the signs of the last days, they saw. They were not blind-hearted, they were not closed-hearted souls. They saw it, they believed. For them as if tomorrow something was going to happen.
Struggle to Work All Day and Pray All Night
And you live your life, Ahlul Iman (People of Faith), they should live, we live our lives with that understanding. That you pray all night as if tomorrow is going to end and you work hard all day as if it’s going to go forever. So you continuously have to work; means you fill your day. You have to work, you have to struggle as if this life is going forever. Because you have to feed yourself, you have to pay your bills.
But at night, Imam Ali (as) confirmed also, is at night you have a yaqeen and a certainty that it’s going to end; this world is going to end. And for all we know, ‘My own world can end, is enough.’ Not everybody has to go, it’s enough that in the morning I don’t wake up, my qiyamah came, I’ve gone. Nobody knows if they’re going to die in their bed. We don’t know under what condition Allah (AJ) has written. But when the dunya constantly worrying and warning, so people can Google what is September 23rd? What is 2015? Why 500 days? Why did they give a 500 day warning? It doesn’t matter, but you can Google it. I recommend you Google. What happens?
Don’t Let Your Ignorance Blind You from God’s Mercy
But for Ahlul Iman another confirmation that you cannot say, ‘When difficulty came Ya Rabbi, why You didn’t help me? How come You didn’t help me?’ And they give the example where the man is on a roof and the flood is coming. And the person comes to help him on the roof that, ‘The water is on halfway. Come, come, come into our boat. Get in the boat I take away.’ Say, ‘No, no, no. I trust in God.’ [They said] ‘OK.’ The rain comes almost to the top of the house, another boat comes, ‘Get into our boat let’s go.’ Say, ‘No, no, no, no I trust in God.’ All the way to the water took the man and he left. And when he went to heaven he was upset, ‘O my Lord, I had so much faith in You and why You didn’t help me?’ Ding! You know the commercial for V8 ‘Dish’ [Shaykh laughs]. ‘I sent three, I sent three to help you.’ It means these are the rahmah (mercy) and the teaching of Prophet ﷺ that the alamaat and the signs, when you see ‘azaab (infliction) everywhere, when you see ‘azaab and no more humanity on people.
Beware! What You Watch Spiritually Dresses You
People play videos of horrific tortures of other people and they want to share it with you. If you watch ‘azaab, the ‘azaab will dress you because that’s not a good event. That’s why when Sayyidina Lut (as) was running what they warned him, ‘Don’t look back! Because ‘azaab is now coming on to that town. Don’t look back!’ But his wife didn’t have the yaqeen (certainty) that he had. She looked back immediately the ‘azaab dressed her and turned her to stone. Because these are very horrific events.
There’s a tremendous amount of difficulty coming upon people; sadness, sorrow, and affliction and you’re watching it like it’s a spectator sport and go down and eat a sandwich while somebody is torturing somebody? And they play all over Facebook, all over the Internet. It means no more humanity. Prophet ﷺ warned, ‘When you see that, be scared, be prepared.’
The Earth Shows Its Signs of Difficulty on Humanity
Then other sign, look to dunya! When the dunya says, ‘I don’t want these people anymore!’ Because the dunya is showing us, ‘Oh, I want to drown them.’ So you see the flooding everywhere. Have you seen the waters and the flash floods that are coming everywhere? Then the zalzalah and the earthquake. All complaining, ‘I don’t want them on me, Ya Rabbi. I’m going to shake and bury them into the ground.’ And the Earth rains upon them and the oceans flood them. It means is a sign of ‘azaab everywhere. There’s no more humanity and tremendous difficulty. And if these ‘azaabs are coming and these people are warning then the Ahlul Iman they should always live a life of preparedness.
Live a Life of Preparedness – Be Ready for Emergencies
It means that you have food in your home, have oil in your home, have batteries in your home, have blanket in your home, have shoes by the door. They say when an earthquake comes most people have horrible foot injuries because as they’re running through the glass their feet are all damaged, because they didn’t prepare.
Live like a fireman. Put your shoes at the door, a bag that you can run, with a towel, with some underwear, with some peanut butter, some crackers, some batteries. And the government has emergency websites on what you should put in a special bag for an emergency. And that is Ahlul Iman because you’re believing the difficulty is coming, difficulty is everywhere. And Allah (AJ) then begin to quantify, ‘Yes, you have faith because you truly believe in these realities, you believe in what Prophet ﷺ taught.’
Your Barzakh Reality Influences Your Physicality on Earth
All of these things are happening and all of these different and bizarre things are happening in dunya. And some say that they’re opening something in Switzerland. That’s going to create a tremendous energy field and through that energy field many different things maybe coming in and out. It means unimaginable events may be coming on to dunya. And for us again, a deep reality is that we have taught many times from Mawlana Shaykh’s (Q) teaching there’s a reality of barzakh (purgatory). Barzakh means there is a reality of yourself that exists in a different dimension, and there is a reality of your physicality on this Earth. Based on what Allah (AJ) has written for that reality, it’s going to influence your physicality.
When the distance of barzakh was very far, the reality that exists in barzakh, whether you were nurani (luminous) or narani (fiery), whether it was written for you to be enlightened and filled with light or from the depths of fire, that reality is trying to dress the physicality. If the reality is bad, constantly whispering, constantly sending its nazar (gaze), constantly trying to affect the physicality like a magnet trying to attract it towards its reality and its ultimate goal – negativity. If the reality is ruhani (spiritual) then the constant ruhani dress of your barzakh reality is trying to influence your physicality. That’s why, “Thumma amano thamma kafaro.” One day I believe, one day I don’t believe, one day I believe, one day I don’t believe, because it’s trying to take the signal of barzakh.
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ثُمَّ كَفَرُوا ثُمَّ آمَنُوا ثُمَّ كَفَرُوا ﴿١٣٧﴾
4:137 – “Innal ladheena amano thumma kafaro thumma amano thumma kafaroo…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed, then disbelieved…” (The Women, 4:137)
Take The Way of Faith – Step Towards Akhirah
So when this dimension was very far the signal was very difficult to receive. As you come closer towards where Prophet ﷺ prophesize of last days and this is the way of faith, is that you have to believe these are the last days so that you can reach the Maqamul Iman (Station of Faith). Because if you truly believe these are the last days you step more into the reality of akhirah (hereafter). Because you don’t have hub e dunya, you don’t have the love of the material world. If they come and they show you this material world like a plate of food, ‘Oh look, look! It’s so rotten, it’s all filled with rotten, it’s rotten, it’s rotten.’ Your desire and your taste for it begins to move. If your desire for dunya leaves, your natural attraction will be for akhirah. So the people of iman, they have a tremendous attraction for akhirah, that’s why it’s called nural iman (the light of faith). They achieved a nur (light) within their soul that they have a tremendous love for Divinely Presence and they’re more attached to their Divinely reality, their heavenly station. And as they build and build and build they reach the maqams (stations) of perfection because they’re more on that side than on this side.
Dajjal Represents the ‘Anti-Real’ and It’s Dimension is Approaching
So it’s beneficial to our faith to believe it. Not to question it and not to say, ‘No, no! It’s 500 years away.’ What would be the purpose of a scholar come and tell people, ‘It’s 500 years away, go to the mall.’ You increase people’s iman (faith)? What kind of ideology is that? Why was Prophet ﷺ telling the Companions, ‘Dajjal (man/system of deceit) is right around the corner.’ They were frightened. They thought that at any moment the Antichrist – the dajjal, not Antichrist because it’s nothing to do with Christ – the dajjal is within the Islamic system, within the whole world. It’s the ‘anti-real’ and everything of an illusion that they believe and they live their life according. But now when we believe and our teachings are coming that these dimensions are very close.
The Dajjal Dimension Inspires Negative Physical Manifestations on People
Look at the signs! Whatever Prophet ﷺ described of difficulty and ‘azaab. He described the punishments of hellfire with scorpions, with snakes, with spiders. And then we said before then look onto the dunya and you see people even drawing scorpions, snakes and spiders. Why? Is that, because that dimension already has that all over them? They feel inspired? Who feels in their right mind inspired to sit down and say, ‘This skin of mine, make something permanently horrific.’ What? ‘I would like a big snake wrapped all around my arm, I want a spider on my face, I want a scorpion on my neck.’
This is, you think this is from your soul’s inspiration? No! It means this now is a big sign that that dimension has influenced them so much that they be dressed by it they begin to resemble their reality. And that’s why you see also holy people. That the light from that reality dressing them so much because their souls’ reality is dressing their physicality and they sit in majlis (association) of zikrs (Divine remembrance) and they feel the energy of it. Because now the barzakh (purgatory) is dressing and these veils are opening. So then imagine when they describe that they’re going to do something to open a door.
99% of People Have Demonic Barzakh Reality
When they open a door to these realities, imagine out of a 100%, 99% of the people their barzakh reality is demonic. What happens to these people when the shaitans (satans) fully dress them, fully overtake them, fully make them to do whatever they want to do? And this had happened one time in the time of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) and Allah (AJ) lifted that veil and the shayateen (devils) entered, all of the malignant, all of the naughty beings came and occupied people. They took them like it was a car and did what they wanted to do. It means for us when we’re seeing all these alamaats and all these signs, these are signs of tremendous difficulty.
God’s Rahmah Inspires You to Sit With Awliya
The importance of majlis of zikr, majlis of the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is to build iman, to build light, to build the protection. That Ya Rabbi, by these zikrs and by these association and by keeping the company of the people of light because we don’t know what’s coming, so you don’t know why Allah (AJ) inspired you to sit here today. Why Allah (AJ) inspired me to be here? Why couldn’t I just go to a movie theater? Because this is God’s rahmah!
That you don’t see the fire that’s coming but when He loves you, ‘Go sit and get dressed by that light, blessed by that light!’ So when the fire opens you find yourself at least prepared. What rahmah would have been if all of a sudden the fire came and you were obliterated in difficulties? It means God’s rahmah that you just be inspired, ‘Go sit with them, go build your light, go build your faith, go build the faculties of belief.’ The more you believe, the more you believe, what’s the worst that could happen by this advice tonight? You’ll have more faith!
Material Desires Are Like an Iron Wall Blocking the Believer
If all of it didn’t happen, it doesn’t matter. If you believe this is going to happen, your material desire drops and your iman grows and you don’t need the whole world to come to an end to be close to Allah (AJ), but you need your desires to end. Because the desire is like an iron sheet that blocks us from the love of Allah (AJ), blocks us from the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And the desire becomes too strong, the choices become incorrect. When the desire drops, the choices always become correct. These feet, if the iron wall is too thick the feet take you dancing. When the wall is very thin and your love for Allah (AJ) is immense, the love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is immense you can’t live without praising upon Allah (AJ). Because you’re taking that energy and that feeling. Then these feet, they take you to the majlis of zikrs.
Spiritual Practices Protect You With the Light of Faith
So it has a benefit and has a tremendous reality. And if they say what they say is correct then you’ll be even more protected with the lights of faith, the light of iman. Cause if these dimensions open and your reality is a holy reality, your reality is from the souls that make zikr of Allah (AJ). Imagine when we say, ‘Ya rijalullah (men of God)’ – when we’re calling upon rijalullah, imagine what type of lights will be coming for those who believed? What type of souls and arwah will be coming for those who believed! These practices are not for this material world, these recitations about calling upon awliya (saints), calling upon and praising upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, when you have blue skies and McDonald’s you don’t appreciate it. But one ‘azaab, one difficulty come or horrific events begin to come, we begin to understand these praisings and the power of these praisings.
Lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ Have Miraculous Lives
All over the world people are in difficulty – the ahle zikr (people of Divinely remembrance) – if you ask them about their lives and what miracles they have seen, how they been protected from these difficulties, how they been protected from unimaginable difficulties that been coming from every direction? But the people of ahle zikr and the people who love Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, their lives are miraculous. So we pray that Allah (AJ) dress us from these blessings dress us from these lights and for ourselves to wake up.
The hizbul shaitan (party of satan) are very active, very aggressive and constantly moving in what they believe. Ahlul Iman, they’re lateef (subtle), they’re taking a nap right now. We pray that Allah (AJ) open our hearts, open our lights, open our eyes to see these difficulties that are coming, to protect ourselves, protect our families, protect our communities, and protect our loved ones. Only protection is through zikrullah (remembrance of Allah) and love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
Special thanks to our transcribers for their help with transcribing this suhbah.
Original Date of Suhbah: May 26, 2015
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