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“We Shall Show Our Signs on The Horizon”
Nebula M42 in the Sword of Orion
What can you see in the Hubble Image above Nebula {NabiAllah}
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Verily before Lord made any other thing, He created from His own Light the light of your Prophet{ Nur Muhammad}{ Adam Kadmon} , and that Light rested haithu mashaAllah, where Allah willed it to rest. And at that time there existed aught else‑not the Preserved Tablets, not the Pen, not Heaven nor Hell, not the Angelic Host, not the heavens nor the earth; there was no sun, no moon, no star, no jinn nor man nor angel–none was as yet created, only this Light{ Nur Muhammad}.
Then Allah – glorified be He – by divine decree willed the Creation to be{ Nur Muhammad}. He therefore divided this Light into four parts. From the first part He created the Pen, from the second the Tablets, from the third the Divine Throne.
Now it has become known that when the Lord had created the Tablets and the Pen, the Pen had on it one hundred nodes, the distance between two nodes being that of two years wayfaring. The Lord then commanded the Pen to write, and the Pen asked, “Oh Lord, what shall I write?” The Lord said, “Write: la ilaha ila AllahMuhammadan Rasulullah.” Thereupon the Pen exclaimed, “Oh, what a beautiful, great name is that of Muhammad that it is to mentioned in one with Thy hallowed Name, oh Lord.”