Home Youtube Videos Building Divine Energy and Saving it (Videos) Meditation and Spirituality Not Easy For Satan’s Enemies Q&A Sufi Meditation Center
Meditation and Spirituality Not Easy For Satan’s Enemies Sufi Meditation Center
1. Main difference between zikr, fiqr(law) and thikr (thinking)? @0:10 tafakkur vs tadabbur
Soul doesn’t trust body until it reaches a trustworthy state.
2. How to improve our contemplation? @7:43
Meditation is easy for Satan’s people, but not for believers.
3. When I’m in deep contemplation, I feel thumping between my eyebrows, why? @10:52
4. Energetic protection of children, are there beings protecting them anyway? @14:44
children will inherit sins of parents
5. Are Naqshbandi students advised to drop work because of covid-19? @17:17
6. How do we know our account is somewhat decent with Allah so that when time comes we can embrace death with full preparation? @17:55
7. How to begin meditation, how can we progress with body, mind, and soul meditation? @20:42
pursue angelic power not jinn power
8. How to keep connection 24/7, when we’re weak human? @24:59
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