Home Youtube Videos Building Divine Energy and Saving it (Videos) Make Tawaf around the Kaaba within Sufi Meditation Center
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Recorded: 20200926
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (Q) teaches the spiritual realities of Surah Fil in the holy month of Safar. Shaykh explains that the event of the Abraha and the Ashab al fil attempted to attack the Holy Ka’bah, this example is present even within our lives today. That in these days of difficulty, satan is continuously attacking our hearts with all sorts of technology to steal our faith. Shaykh Nurjan connects the dots for the spiritual seeker and teaches that the heart of the believer is also a Ka’bah, and just as Allah (AJ) protected the Ka’bah, He will also protect his believer who is much more precious. Shaykh also stresses the importance of cleaning the heart of all the idols within, and how praises upon Prophet sws brings the light which cleans and purifies us.
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Quran: Surah Fil 105
Sufi Meditation Center presenting Sufi Realities, Sufi Teachings
and Sufi Guidance
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