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Recorded: 20200924
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (Q) exposes the psychological traps of fake spiritual doctors (psychics, witches) in thee difficult times we live in and how they scam people into their own financial gain. Shaykh also explain that in life to keep our focus not on the problems that we face but to run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad sws, in keeping our focus on the love of Prophet sws, Allah (AJ), and that nothing can happened to us except by the will of Allah (AJ), He is our protector and avenges his servant from devils trying to attack their faith. Shaykh also reveals that the recitation of nasheeds and salawats are immense and accepted supplications in the Divinely Presence, that in life when we face difficulty to open our mawlid book and recite the praises upon Sayyidina Muhammad (Sws) and in that we should our peace and tranquility within our day to day lives.
Surah Tuwba 51
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#loneliness #unemployed #confusion #depression