Home Youtube Videos End Days Armageddon Imam Mahdi - Islamic Eschatology (Videos) If You’re Having A Lot of Difficulties & Life Problems, Do A Qurban Ritual | Sufi Meditation Center
00:00 Importance of Participating
01:54 What’s the reality of so many people of tariqah (spiritual path) visiting Turkey?
07:35 What is the reality of gold mountains appearing during the end of times?
09:00 What’s the reality behind the 7 gems on Earth with the Face of Sayyidina Jibreel (as)?
11:11 How can oneself witness “La ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ”
23:17 Which salawat (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) is for rizq (sustenance) and which one is for doors that are closed?
24:30 Is the appearance of Sufyani coming before Armageddon or is he appeared here?
25:04 What’s the reality of the jealousy that Sayyidina Yusuf (as) and Sayyidina Hussain (as) faced? What’s the reality of jealousy from even those who are pious?
29:28 What’s your advice for someone struggling on the path?
33:40 How do you deal with disobedient children?
35:53 What is the reality of the Dabbatul Ardh – the Creature of the Earth and Dragons appearing in the last days?
37:42 Is there any reality of the sunlight transferring information to our body’s DNA and raising our frequency?
Related Links :
To purchase a qurban (sacrifice) or have a well constructed please visit : muslimcharity.com
Ta’weez Spiritual Energy Protection : https://smcmerch.com/collections/taweez-spirital-energy
Recorded : 20220408
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