Heavenly Kingdom
Towards The Understanding of
The Muhammadan Realities
Holy Quran Zumar {39: 53,54} {Allah’s Order to Rasul to teach Creation}
Say: “O my Servants, who have transgressed against their souls!
Despair not of the Mercy of God: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.
The Secret Book of Hu
The Perfection of the Holy Face, All things will perish but the Holy Face.
Secrets of BismiAllah
The Key to all Realities Sayedena Muhammad [s] MHMM 4 Rivers of Paradise.
Muhamma What are the secrets
Muhamma What are the secrets of the Holy name of Mahi, Muhamma, Muhaamid The Flag of Praise.
Secrets of Quantum Physics
Light speed is constant for all observers regardless of their speed or direction. Einstein explained that as an object increased in speed, approaching the speed of light, its physical length decreases, its mass increases
Surah Ihklas Part-1
Secrets of Tafsir of Surah Ihklas-Ahadiyya & Ruh Muhammadin
Surah Ihklas Part-2
Tafsir of Surah Ihklas Secrets of Qul Hu Allahu Ahad secrets of the Creation of the Soul Secrets of Allah Lilah Lahu and HUuuuu
E-mc2 is Secrets of Laylat Qadir
E=MC2 Physics Spirituality Mystery’s of Laylat Qadir Fusion and source of Energy Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammadan Reality Naqshbandi Secrets
Everything Comes from The Frist Intellect
Towards the understanding of AQL Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammadan Reality Naqshabandi Secrets.
Creation of The Throne
By Allah, the Throne bears the Merciful, and they bear it -this statement is intelligible. What power is there for a creature and what strength, if it had not been for that which the intellect and Revelation brought?
Surah Shams Part 1
Tafsir of Surah Shams Part 1 – Power of the Sun. Glory of Light of Sayedena Ahmad (s) The Secrets of the Sun Moon and Earth. Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammad Reality Naqshbandi Secrets.
Beginning of the Spiritual Creation
Concerning the Beginning of the Spiritual Creation. The Beginning of creation was fine dust, and the first existent in it is the Muhammadan reality of the Rahman. Its is not contained in any place since it is not contained. Why did it exist?
Tafsir Surah Kawthar
Eternal Muhammad RasulAllah Has always been the source of all Knowledge for creation.
Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammadan Reality Naqshabandi Secrets.
Creation of Nur Muhammad
(s)[/button] Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammadan Reality Naqshabandi Secrets.
What is Seeing & Nur-Muhammad
The Glory of the sun and our ability to see eat and breath. Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammadan Reality Naqshabandi Secrets.
Beginning of Human form
Towards the understanding of the Universal soul. Nur Ahmad Nur Muhammad Reality Naqshbandi Secrets.
Secrets of the Holy Name
Whats in a Name Secrete of – Dalail ul Khairat