Home Youtube Videos Tarbiya Manners / Tazkiya Purification (Videos) Dealing with Loneliness | Sufi Meditation Center
Video Chapters :
00:00 The month of Shawwal and the path of being no one
00:40 Surah Al-Balad verse 12,13 explained (90:12-13). The way and the freeing of the slave is related to freeing our soul
01:10 This path its first step in muharram is admitting you are an oppressor
01:27 People coming new don’t think themselves as oppressors
01:49 The reality of the imprisonment of the soul by the nafs and the devil in this material world and body
02:59 In Surat Al-Balad Allah (AJ) is asking us – this path is based on freeing the soul
03:19 The oppression is of the soul, and the battle is for its freedom, to free the servant of Allah (AJ)
04:08 These teachings are coming to make people to wake up to this reality
04:48 The souls becomes more free whilst praying and during spiritual practices. Those who don’t do are oppressing.
06:06 The real wealth is for the one who frees his soul, not the one who acquires material wealth
06:31 Good deeds of a selfless nature is the feeding and sustenance of the soul
07:16 Allah (AJ) wants our soul to be free and experience, not the nafs and satan
07:57 Surah Zalzalah in Dhul Qa’dah (next month) also references the ‘shaking to bring out what is within’
08:52 Dunya teaches the opposite, healing is not in the food but from empowering the soul
10:41 The difference between external and internal students – Mawlana Shaykh’s (Q) clock example
12:03 Malakut (heavenly realm) controls everything. If inside is corrupt the outside is useless.
12:49 Fix your inside by understanding the Binary – feed others + spiritual practices to empower the soul
14:10 The physicality is an illusion, you don’t gain health from eating vegetables
14:33 Everyone is a slave master, and that slave is immensely precious to Allah (AJ) as the soul is a light from the light of Prophet ﷺ
15:50 Pious people understand that doing towards the inner
16:58 most important is attention to the soul, if you are doing all things towards it, food of the soul, reality of Surah al Balad -feeding of the captive
17:48 Reality of those who eat at the table of Allah (AJ) – yateem (orphan), miskeen (poor) and aseer (captive)
27:00 Everything we do will affect our magnetism. Your magnetism will draw the same people around you
27:53 Understand the binary – feed others and you’ll be much healthier
Recorded : 20220520
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