Home Youtube Videos End Days Armageddon Imam Mahdi - Islamic Eschatology (Videos) Beware of The Piercing Eyes of Awliya Saints -They’re a Live Camera For God | Sufi Meditation Center
Video Chapters :
00:00 Hadith al Qudsi which describes Prophet ﷺ and how it’s inherited
03:20 Those given permission to guide are a walking version of that hadith
06:51 The awliya (saints) are mobile phones for the Divinely Presence, Prophet ﷺ and awliya who govern them
07:45 Everything you do is witnessed by these mobile phones, and they never turn off
09:47 In End Times awliya are hidden but still walk the earth and are witnessing everything
10:52 The severity of committing a sin in the presence of the awliya
12:57 Why they are a Ka’bah and qibla for people
15:11 There are 124,000 awliya on earth, and Prophet ﷺ is guiding the nation towards his love through them
16:10 Those with permission to speak are the highest level of awliyaullah
16:46 The immense dangers and blessings of being in the presence of the awliya
17:50 Reality of gaining their nazar (gaze)
19:09 Gaining the nazar of Sayyidina Mahdi’s (as) nazar in the last days
20:29 Tariqah is like a live wire from the Heavens, and it’s immensely important in the last days
20:57 Those who make their faith real should be protected from what’s coming upon earth
21:22 Take your opportunities to serve and gain the nazar
22:28 The sign upon the earth of this reality – Social report cards
23:45 What our life is about? Find these cameras, be of service and gain their nazar
24:29 Don’t think like a businessmen when giving to the tariqah!
26:45 Allah (AJ) is the one who takes away the difficulty and expands rizq (sustenance)
Recorded : 20220416
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