Home Youtube Videos Bab Taubah Insan Kamel / Perfected Being Series (Videos) Anti-Christ Dajjal New Religion: Hollow Moon & Ancient Alien Seeders Theory | Sufi Meditation Center
Directed Panspermia Via Off-World Seeders – Coming Back To Claim Earth – Topics related to Dajjal, Off-World Seeders, Antichrist, Ancient Astronauts Theory, Annunaki Return, Nephlim Return, Archons, Prometheus, Nibiru, Anunnaki vs Grays, Annunaki vs Greys, DNA Upgrades, Junk DNA fix, Advance Jinn Technologies, New Religion, hostile extraterrestrial civilizations, malevolent inter-dimensional beings, Jinns, Hybrid Race, Ancient Race, Reptilian Aliens, Star gates, DNA Alignment, Sumerian Tablets Mythology
Through the Prophetic teachings of of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, Shaykh Nurjan dispels the Dajjalic confusion of the False lords and saviours of mankind – The Jinn, which will face the believer in the End Times . Teaches about the powers of the heart, and what Allah (AJ) will unlock and dress the believer at each level. And reveals the true history of mankind, how they arrived with immense knowledges, and how their frequency and vibration has been lowered over time to be able to become possessed and overtaken by negative entities.
Video Chapters :
00:00 Recapping the Powers of the Heart – Haqqiqatul Tayy ul Lisan wal Badan, Haqqiqatul Irshad and the reality of Magnetism and Iron
04:04 The Muhammadan Realities where to perfect guidance
05:02 The Dajjalic system negates the reality of the heart and teaches the hallucination of the head
06:02 They have no understanding of the Jinn world, that’s why they take these aliens as ‘Gods’
08:05 Some are content with basic understanding, others are guided to the deeper reality
09:19 Prophetic teachings of the Signs of the Clock Tower and splitting of the moon to dispel Dajjalic Lies.
11:57 We did not evolve but have made to devolve to become possessed. Sayyidina Adam (as) came with immense knowledges
14:25 The People taught by Holy Books are more powerful than the Jinn Nations
15:08 The knowledges being taught were a preparations for bombardment of the last days
16:29 Use the practices and knowledges to rise to what you were given
17:20 As a result of the heavenly connection, the earthly will follow. Don’t do the reverse.
19:28 Dressing of the Divinely face and opening of the tongue to convey
21:16 Haqqiqatul Tayy ul Lisan for immense speed of zikr (Divine remembrance)
22:03 Haqqiqatul Tayy ul Badan and the movement of time and space
22:50 Those dressed with Haqqiqatul Irshad become Guides of the Nation
24:27 Secret of Al-Khaliq given to Sayyidatina Fatimatul Zahra (as)
Recorded : 20220120
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