Everybody Will Soon Be Pushed To Either Obey Imam Mahdi ع or Obey Dajjal | Sufi Meditation Center
There won’t be a middle ground – you’ll be forced into one side or the other – willingly or unwillingly. Spiritual polarization in the End Times New World Order. Binary essence of human spirit, where being nothing is mandatory in order to enter the Divine Presence and acquire spiritual connection.
Humble character and mannerism will lead one to Imam Mahdi (as) side.
Video Chapters :
00:00 Ramadan was the month of 0 and crushing. Shawwal is the month of the 1 and 0 and moving towards the Divine
01:27 Realities of 10 and the Holy month of Shawwal – Name of Allah (AJ), Name of the Messenger ﷺ, Qur’an chapter and Eternal Zikr
02:55 Binary code and the science of our soul being ‘On’ and ‘Off’ in moving towards Allah (AJ)
05:05 Ramadan is the month of negation and Allah’s (AJ) gift of 1 was to be made into dust
06:03 Islam is – to Submit – be a 0 so Allah (AJ) draws you closer
09:45 How to submit? Allah (AJ) teaches by the Layl (Night) – go dark, hide yourself and negate all actions which make you a 1 and Allah (AJ) will dress you from Qadr (power)
15:30 As a result of not submitting – Being a 1, you begin to repel
18:00 Binary Code in the stories of Saints – endured extreme difficulty to be dressed
21:54 Every night take an account if you’re becoming 0 or becoming a 1
25:31 The two forces operating on this earth right now are Sayyidina Mahdi (as) – the Positive and Dajjal – the Negative
28:39 The tug of war for your eternal soul is occurring. Beware not to pass the middle mark – Allah’s (AJ) limit
30:44 The reality of Allah’s (AJ) 1 is in the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
31:59 Prophet ﷺ is the Master of Submission and the Perfect Abd of Allah (AJ). Reality of what ‘Abd’ means.
33:35 When Allah (AJ) finds satisfaction in your submission He guides to the turuqs (spiritual paths)
34:23 Make the connection with the shaykh, beware of false decoys who will distract your hearts magnet
35:37 Allah’s (AJ) Love is with Prophet ﷺ, make a daily account of, ‘Are you moving closer to Prophet ﷺ or away’
37:19 The Binary Code is the existence of the shaykh. At their level they lend their being for Prophet ﷺ to address
39:12 The shaykh is a reflection of that 1, practice with him, it’s the same system.
46:10 If you don’t negate then Allah (AJ) will push you out of the shaykh’s orbit
47:43 Even amongst shaykhs, the real one hides himself to be dressed by Allah’s (AJ) faiz
48:28 The original code from Allah (AJ) is Man is + and the leader, Female is – and her power is in submission
51:44 If both become a + then they begin to repel – thus all the difficulties in homes
Recorded : 20220505
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